The high degree of autonomy of AI content generation and the work appearance of AIGC have raised the question of"can AI create works independently like human",which challenges the existing cognition of creative ac⁃tions and works.But human is symbolic animal and must use language symbols to understand and express what he thinks and feels.From the perspective of semiotics,the essence of creative actions is that the author expresses his thoughts and emotions with the help of language symbols.Meanwhile,the immaterial nature of symbols determines that the works must be expressed in a certain form before they can be transmitted to the outside world.As a result,the new Copyright Law stipulates"works must be expressible".In the process of creation(expressions emerge),the work is di⁃vided into three stages.In the pre-expression stage,thought and emotion are the motivation of creation.Because they are unknown,they cannot be protected by Copyright Law.In the expression stage,the author raises his thoughts and emotions into symbolic expression with the help of the symbol system,and works are composed of expression forms and contents.In the stage of material expression,expression forms combine with material object,and works are expressed by material objects.Therefore,human creation follows the path of"thought and emotion-expression-material expres⁃sion",while AI generation follows the path of"existing expression-recombination expression-material expression".Although AIGC is also an expression,it is derived from calculation rather than creation,which does not meet the consti⁃tutive requirements of work.
Long Wenmao;Ji Shanhao(Intellectual Property School,East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 200050,China)
Science Technology and Law(Chinese-English Version)