

Research on the Placeness Reconstruction of Cultural Tourism and Real Estate Characteristic Towns: A Case of Yi Nationality Ancient Town in Chuxiong City, Yunnan Province
摘要 地方性是特色小镇差异化发展的核心与内涵,政府与企业在特色小镇塑造的过程中,挖掘地方特性并使其外显,进而出现了“地方性重构”现象,在这过程中如何保持地方性成为特色小镇建设成功与否的关键。随着文旅地产与特色小镇的结合,其重构现象更为复杂。以文旅地产型国家4A级旅游景区楚雄彝人古镇为研究对象,借鉴文化地理学“地方”理论,在田野调查的基础上,从物质空间、功能活动、地方意义这3个方面分析彝人古镇地方性重构的特征。研究表明:彝人古镇作为文旅地产型特色小镇,其地方性重构特征主要表现在物质空间的升级、功能业态的完善、文化活动的创新及不同群体地方感的变化等方面。对于特色小镇建设,文旅地产并非“洪水猛兽”,地方性是建设的关键。物质空间的升级为功能活动的置入提供基础,功能活动的完善为地方意义的丰富提供动力,空间、功能与意义最终共同促进特色小镇地方性的良性发展。 Placeness is the core and connotation of the differentiated development of characteristic towns.In the process of shaping characteristic towns,the government and enterprises have explored placeness and made it obvious,and then there has been a phenomenon of placeness reconstruction.How to maintain placeness in this process has become the key to the success of the construction of characteristic towns.With the combination of cultural tourism real estate and characteristic towns,the reconstruction phenomenon is more complicated.This paper takes the Yi Nationality Ancient Town in Chuxiong city,a national 4A-level scenic spot of cultural tourism and real estate,as the research object,draws on the theory of"place"in human geography,and analyzes the characteristics of the placeness reconstruction of Yi Nationality Ancient Town from three aspects:physical space,functional activities and local significance on the basis of field investigation.The results show that as a characteristic town of cultural tourism real estate,the placeness reconstruction characteristics of Yi nationality ancient towns are mainly manifested in the upgrading of physical space,the improvement of functional activities,the innovation of cultural activities and the change of the sense of place of different groups.For the construction of characteristic towns,cultural tourism real estate is not a"dreadful beast",and placeness is the key to construction.The upgrading of physical space provides the basis for the placement of functional activities.The improvement of functional activities provides impetus for the enrichment of local meaning.Ultimately,space,function and meaning jointly promote the positive development of the placeness of characteristic towns.
作者 车震宇 朱骅允 张熹 刘雅树 CHE Zhenyu;ZHU Huayun;ZHANG Xi;LIU Yashu
出处 《中国名城》 2023年第7期66-72,共7页 China Ancient City
基金 国家自然科学基金地区项目“跨国文化线路视野下滇越铁路乡村站点聚落的形态基因与活化利用研究”(编号:52268005) 云南省科技厅(面上)项目“人地系统视角下的滇西北传统村落景观韧性评价与规划应对研究”(编号:202201AT070168)。
关键词 地方性重构 彝人古镇 文旅地产型 特色小镇 placeness reconstruction Yi Nationality Ancient Town cultural tourism-real estate type characteristic town
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