

Review of the Research on the Career Transition of Foreign Athletes
摘要 该研究旨在通过梳理和分析国外运动员职业转换研究文献,厘清国外运动员职业转换的发展脉络,探讨目前运动员职业转换研究的新趋势,以期为我国运动员职业转换研究提供一定的理论支持和参考依据。国外运动员职业转换研究一直伴随着心理学的发展而发展,运动员职业转换研究划分为3个阶段:1960—1990年,关注运动员退役阶段;1990—2000年,运动理论框架下,关注运动员职业转换阶段;2000年至今,生态学视角下,关注运动员的整体发展和整个环境的影响。当前,国外运动员职业转换研究已经超越了对运动员退役阶段的关注,更加注重运动员在职业生涯的不同阶段,尤其是从初级向高级阶段的转换以及运动员的双重职业转换。新的研究热点使人们对运动员职业转换有更深入的认识,有助于揭示运动员职业生涯中的关键问题和挑战。 This study aims to clarify the development context of the career transition of foreign athletes and explore the new trends of the current research on the career transition of athletes by sorting out and analyzing the literature of the research on the career transition of foreign athletes,so as to provide certain theoretical support and reference for the research on the career transition of Chinese athletes.The research of the career transition of foreign athletes has been developed with the development of psychology,and the career transition of athletes is divided into three stages:the stage of focusing on the retirement of athletes from 1960 to 1980,the stage of focusing on the career transition of athletes under the framework of sports theory from 1990 to 2000,and from 2000 to present,focusing on the overall development of athletes and the influence of the overall environment from the ecological perspective.At present,the research on the career transition of foreign athletes has surpassed the focus on the retirement stage of athletes and paid more attention to the different stages of athletes'careers,especially the transition from the primary to advanced stages and the dual career transition of athletes.New research hotspots provide us with a deeper understanding of the career transition of athletes,which can help to reveal key issues and challenges in athletes'careers.
作者 魏鑫 王甜甜 WEI Xin;WANG Tiantian(Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan,Hubei Province,430000 China)
机构地区 湖北工业大学
出处 《当代体育科技》 2023年第21期169-173,共5页 Contemporary Sports Technology
基金 湖北省教学研究项目(项目名称:体教融合视域下退役运动员职业转换路径与影响机制研究,项目编号:省2022295) 2022年度省教育厅哲学社会科学研究项目(项目名称:体教融合背景下湖北省学校竞技体育人才培养路径与支持策略研究——以篮球项目为例,项目编号:22Q060)。
关键词 运动员 职业转换 运动退役 双重职业转换 Athlete Career transition Sports retirement Dual career transition
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