

Modern Road and Traditional Social Changes of Ethnic Minorities:Based on the Investigation of Puxiong Yi Society Along the Chengdu-Kunming Railway System
摘要 普雄镇是成昆铁路线上的重镇,其社会经济发展与成昆铁路密切相关。通过考察不同时期成昆铁路对普雄彝族社会的影响,不仅可以管窥普雄彝族社会近五十年来发生的剧烈变迁,同时可以提供一种现代道路视域下研究少数民族传统社会变迁的新路径和新视角。普雄镇的个案研究表明,对于深处西南边远地区的凉山彝族而言,道路是其社会文化转型的重要载体。尤其在国家脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴战略背景下,凉山的交通基础设施正不断完善,在建以及规划建设的道路将不仅为凉山打开“互联互通、对外开放”的新局面,而且为凉山地方社会经济发展提供最基本的基础设施保障,同时也将带来文化异质性的输入。普雄的个案亦启示我们,面对道路带来的文化异质性输入时,地方社会应该加强自身文化转型的主动性,从而在规划自身发展与实践上获得更多自主性,进而增强文化传承与发展的内生性资源和动力。 Taking the Chengdu-Kunming train route as the research point and Puxiong town as the fieldwork site,this study conducted a diachronic investigation on the shaping and influence of the Chengdu-Kunming railway route on Puxiong Yi society,aiming to provide a new path and angle to study local social and economic development from the perspective of modern transportation.Before the Chengdu-Kunming train was put into operation,the villages in Puxiong town were typical traditional Yi villages.The local social structure was built on the basis of close kinship.Every village showed the characteristics of a geographical community and a kinship(blood-relation)community,and its society was homogeneous in many ways.Results show the Chengdu-Kunming train trajectory has brought great development opportunities to Puxiong Town:The Chengdu-Kunming route has not only promoted the social and cultural exchanges between Yi people and other ethnic groups,but also promoted the continuous flow of migrants through the railway trajectory.As a result,Shimudi Village,where Puxiong Railway Station is located,has gradually transformed from a simple and traditional Yi village into a central village and complex community for settlers.Although the land area of the community is small,it is fully equipped,including barber shops,tea houses,karaoke halls,and other daily leisure and entertainment sites.These factors together make the community show obvious modern characteristics,and turn it into the transportation,economic,and cultural center of the surrounding Yi area.However,with the electrification of the whole section of Chengdu-Kunming Railway,a large number of railway-related units withdrew from Puxiong Town,foreign investment has mostly dried up,and local urbanization came to a halt.Therefore,the local government and villagers of Puxiong Town had to find a new path of local social transformation and development.Finally,the town turned its focus to cultural development and rejuvenation,vigorously developed the culture-centered tertiary industry,gradually built unique Puxiong cultural tourism projects such as"the most beautiful terraces on Chengdu-Kunming Railway"and"he first Yi Embroidery Village on Chengdu-Kunming Railway",and actively applied for various intangible cultural heritage grants to pass on the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage.Thus,Chengdu-Kunming train continues to play a role in promoting local economic and cultural development as well as rural revitalization.And Puxiong Town enjoys the reputation of being a"star town on Chengdu-Kunming railway route"in this new era.The case study of Puxiong Town arguably shows that for the Yi people in Liangshana remote area deeply hidden in the southwest of China—the route can be an important carrier for social and cultural transformation.Especially against the background of the national poverty alleviation and rural revitalization strategy,the transportation infrastructure of Liangshan is constantly improving.The roads under construction and planned to be constructed ideally will open a new situation of"interconnectivity and opening up to the outside world"for Liangshan,potentially providing a most basic infrastructure guarantee for local social and economic development in Liangshan.In addition,Puxiong's case also reveals that,faced with the influx of immigrants from various cultural backgrounds,a local society should strengthen its own initiative in cultural transformation,so as to gain more autonomy in development planning,and thus strengthen the endogenous resources and impetus for cultural inheritance and development.
作者 杨梅 Yang Mei(School of Yi Language and Culture,Xichang University,Xichang,615000,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 北大核心 2023年第3期105-114,153,共11页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“道路建设对凉山彝族社会的影响研究”(20CMZ022) 西昌学院博士启动项目“南方丝绸之路沿线各民族交往交流交融的历史与现状——以凉山州境内段为例”(YBS202214) 西南民族大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“西南民族大学彝学学科建设70周年发展成就研究”(2022ZGYXYJZX02)阶段性成果。
关键词 成昆铁路 普雄 现代性力量 乡村振兴 转型 Chengdu-Kunming Railway Puxiong force of modernity rural revitalization transformation
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