

From Little Tradition to Great Tradition:The Influence of the Gaitu Guiliu Policy on Social Life in Southwestern Hubei
摘要 改土归流前,鄂西南地区在饮食习惯、宴饮礼俗、居住习惯、婚姻形态、基层社会组织、交往方式、信仰传统、思想教育等方面已形成特有的社会形态。改土归流后,中央政权实施一系列社会生活改良措施:一是更新农业生产理念,强调生产过程管理,鼓励开塘积肥,重视水利建设,积极开垦荒地;二是规范婚姻礼仪,严禁同姓为婚、姑舅表亲、童婚等,肃清悔婚和随意结亲行为,整顿女家外戚干涉婚嫁;三是倡导祭祀祖先,提倡在居室正中奉祀祖先木主,并由绅士阶层率先践行示范;四是严禁民间巫术活动,劝诫民众切勿参与巫术活动,肃清“罗神邪教之家”,依据清律严惩巫术活动组织者和责任人;五是普及礼义教育,遍设地方官学,提倡乡里义学。这些举措推动了地方生计农耕化、社会交往扩大化、社会生活礼法化、岁时节令一体化、祭祀活动多元化发展。这一社会变迁是主流“大传统”与地方“小传统”的互动过程,呈现出不同文化层次的动态交互关系,体现了王朝国家“大一统”观念的目标导向,促进了鄂西南社会生活整体面貌的变化,极大地推动了当地全面融入更宏阔的历史进程中。 Relevant research suggests that before implementing the Gaitu Guiliu policy(i.e.replacement of native officials with royally appointed officials),social life in Southwestern Hubei had already formed unique local characteristics.They were reflected in its eating habits,banquet etiquette and customs,living habits,marriage rituals,basic social organizations,communication with the central dynasty,beliefs and traditions,and form and content of education.For instance,in the form of marriage,the uncle(mother's brother)had a greater right in deciding the marriage of his nephew;in the belief tradition,people generally believed in"witches and ghosts";in terms of edu-cation,Confucian education tended to be aristocratic,i.e.the Central Dynasty required that the premise for the succession of Tusi position was to get Confucian education.After the implementation of the Gaitu Guiliu policy in Southwestern Hubei during the Yongzheng period of the Qing dynasty,the central government carried out a series of measures to improve social life,such as updating the concept of agricultural production,standardizing marriage etiquette,advocating ancestor worship,prohibiting folk witchcraft,and popularizing Confucian education.These measures promoted a dependency of rural livelihood on farming,an increase of social exchange,ritualization of social life,integration of seasonal festivals,and diversification of sacrificial rites in Southwestern Hubei.The hunting-farming livelihood model shifted to one depending mainly on farming;there were more forms of folk communication,and the scope of exchanges had expanded;local society had generally formed a cultural consciousness centered on Confucian morality,life etiquette tended to be standardized,ethics of filial piety was deeply rooted among the people,and the clan concept embedded in social governance;nationwide seasonal festivals became popular;folk beliefs became more diverse and sacrificial ceremonies had also changed.It could be said that after the implementation of the Gaitu Guiliu policy,the cultural atmosphere of the southwestern area of Hubei had changed significantly and had harmonized nearly completely with the inland parts of China.Explaining the process of the changes mentioned above from the perspective of cultural stratification theory,it could be regarded as a process of interaction between the"great tradition""of the Central Dynasty and the"little tradition"of the southwestern part of Hubei,showing a dynamic interchange at different cultural levels,and reflecting the goal of"the great unity"concept of the dynastic state.The great tradition appeared to gradually transition into a set of more universal values:Indeed the two cultures interacted and complemented each other.The great tradition steered the overall cultural direction,while the small one provided real cultural practices.Being the mainstream culture of society on the premise of preserving the little traditions in the southern area of Hubei with which it had common values,the great tradition divided the small traditions into two parts:One was part of social life of folk society,and continued to play its roles;the another part was strictly constrained or even forbidden,transforming it into a little and underground tradition,preventing it from being passed on,turning it into a"dead culture",ineffective and eventually dried up.Data also showed that for the southwestern area of Hubei,this historical process promoted the change of the overall outlook of social life in the region,greatly promoting a comprehensive integration of regional society into a broader historical process.
作者 黄柏权 范杨文灿 Huang Boquan;Fanyang Wencan(School of History and Culture,Hubei University,Wuhan,430062,Hubei,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 北大核心 2023年第3期115-125,154,共12页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“鄂西南民族地区民间文献价值研究”(20CMZ003)阶段性成果。
关键词 社会生活 大传统 小传统 改土归流 鄂西南地区 social life the southwestern area of Hubei great tradition litle tradition the Gaitu Guiliu policy
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