

On the Critique of the 18^(th) Century British Moral Sentimentalism to British Rationalism:Taking Hutcheson and Hume as the Research Center
摘要 为了驳斥以G.伯内特为首的18世纪英国理性主义对道德感的质疑,英国道德情感主义的代表哈奇森对主流理性主义观点进行了逐一批判。尽管哈奇森弥补了莎夫茨伯利缺乏回应理性主义的理论局限,但他的方案存在明显的问题和悖谬,没能为道德的情感根据作有效辩护。在此基础上,休谟重新对情感和理性进行了深入而系统的考察与反思,力图消解两者的对峙,不仅一定程度解决了哈奇森遗留的问题,也推进了道德情感主义在认识论层面的发展,还使整个流派呈现出更强的认知特性。 In order to refute the doubt of the 18^(th)century British Rationalism led by Gilbert Burnett on the moral sense,Hutcheson who was the representative of British moral sentimentalism criticized the mainstream Rationalism one by one.Although Hutcheson made up for the theoretical limitation of Shaftsbury's lack of response to the rationalism,his refutation plan has obvious problems and paradoxes,and fails to effectively defend the emotional basis of morality.On this basis,Hume reexamined and reflected deeply and systematically on emotion and reason,striving to dispel the confrontation between the two.This not only solves the problems left by Hutcheson to a certain extent,but also promotes the development of the moral sentimentalism at the epistemological level,and also makes the entire school exhibit stronger cognitive characteristics.
作者 李薇 Li Wei
出处 《世界哲学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期114-125,F0003,共13页 World Philosophy
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  • 8Terence Penelhum, David Hume: An hLtroduetion to His Philosophical System, Purdue UP, 1992, p, 155.
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