

"Action" and "Self-Constitution":Korsgaard's Constructivist Explanation of Subject
摘要 科尔斯戈德以“行动”概念的分析论证了人的“自我构成”与“实践同一性”。以“选择行动”的必要性和必然性为出发点,剖析“行动”对于主体的同一性、能动性、完整性的生成作用,这种内在结构不同层次之间的发展与统一,就是她所谓的“自我构成”。因此,在解决“自我”问题和主体性理论的阐释上,科尔斯戈德为我们提供了一种值得研究的新思路。这种解释方式凸显了实践的建构性、生成性意义,试图为“自我”和主体提供一种经验性的内容,纠正了认知主义和自然主义的抽象性及弊端,也尽力规避了自由主义在形式主义和空洞性上受到的抨击。但是,科尔斯戈德仍受困于纯个体主义的基本视角,使得她无法在现实性上把握“自我”的“构成”,最终陷入主体性在经验构成和抽象形式之间的矛盾,导向了“自我”的建设性循环。在科尔斯戈德的“自我构成”理论中缺乏主体间性的空间,既使得她赋予“行动”的生成性变得抽象,也让我们无从找寻社会关系和社会实践对于“自我”及其建构的切实意义。归根究底,科尔斯戈德所谓的“人”并不是历史唯物主义的“现实的人”,她所说的实践也不是现实的人的物质生产活动。这在很大程度上削弱了其理论的建构力和解释力。人们的社会性和社会联系来自于物质生产的社会化形式,必须从这里来进一步思考实践在个体主体层面的内化过程,来发掘“自我”的建构和提升。 Through the concept of"action",Korsgaard expounds her very explanation of"self-constitu-tion"and"practcal identuty".Iaking the necessity and inevitability of"choice"as a startung point,she analyzes the role of"action"in building a subjeet's identity,agency,and integrity.This kind of develop-ment and unity between levels of inner strueture is what she calls"self-constitution".Therefore.Kors-gaard provides a new method worth studying to interpret"self"and subjeetivity theory.It brings out the constructive and generative role of practice,tries to prpvide an empirícal content for"self"and subject,corrects the abstraction and shortcomings of cognitivism and naturalism,and avoids the criti-cism of liberalism in terms of its formalism and hollowness.However,being trapped in a perspective of pure individualism.Korsgaard can't grasp the"constitution"of the"self"in reality,falling into the contradiction between empirical content and abstract form of subjectivity.which leads to a constructive circle of"self"eventually.This is due to the lack of inter-subjective space in her"self-constitution".which makes the generation of her"action"abstractand it is impossible for us to find out how social relations and social practices affect"self"and its construction.The most fundamental reason is that the"self"Korsgaard refers to is not based on the"real individuals"of historical materialism,and the"action"she refers to is not the material production as well.This brings her a dilemma of pure individualism and weakens the constructive and explanatory power of her theory to a great extent.Human's sociality and social connection come from the socialized form of material production,from which we must consider the internalization of practice inside individual subject,and then discover the construction and enhancement of"self".
作者 鉴博言 JIAN Boyan(Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
机构地区 北京大学哲学系
出处 《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第3期146-153,共8页 Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)
关键词 科尔斯戈德 行动 认知 自我 主体性 实践 Korsgaard action cognition self subjectivity practice
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