宋儒耀, 1914年11月生, 辽宁省海城市人。中国医学科学院整形外科医院院长、教授、博士生导师。1939年, 从华西大学牙医学院毕业后(图1), 留华西大学任教, 1941年, 破格晋升外科主任。1942-1948年留学美国, 师从整形外科权威罗伯特·H·艾维教授, 并先后在罗切斯特大学、宾夕法尼亚大学学习和工作。1948年, 宋教授放弃美国优厚的生活待遇、现代化的工作条件回到祖国, 归国后任华西大学颌面整形外科教授、华西大学口腔医院院长。1951年, 成立"西南整形外科手术队", 参加抗美援朝医疗工作。1952-1957年任北京协和医院整形外科主任, 1957年, 成立中国医学科学院整形外科医院, 先后任院长兼业务院长、中国医学科学院整形外科研究所所长、名誉院长等。
Prof.Song Ruyao was born in November,1914,in Haicheng City,Liaoning Province.He was a supervisor of doctoral students and director of the Plastic Surgery Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.He graduated from the Dental School of West China Union University(now Huaxi University)in 1939(Fig.I).He started his career there as a medical school teacher and was promoted to the director of surgery in 1941.From 1942 to 1948,he took further study in the United States under the legendary plastic surgeon Robert H.Ivy,and had worked at the University of Rochester and the University of Pennsylvania.He returned to the motherland China in 1948,by giving up the luxury living and modern working conditions in the United States.Then,he served as the Prof.of maxillofacial surgery and director of the Stomatology Hospital of West China Union University.
Chinese Journal of Microsurgery