
“出奇招”还是“出阴招”?团队间竞争对个体非常规行为的影响研究 被引量:2

Surprise Move or Dirty Trick?The Influence of Intergroup Competition on Individual’s Unconventional Behavior
摘要 作为一种提升团队活力的有效策略,团队间竞争究竟如何影响个体非常规行为尚不明确。基于认知评价理论,本文通过两项研究探讨了团队间竞争对个体创造力和亲团队不道德行为两种性质完全相反的非常规行为的影响机制。研究1采用两阶段问卷调查数据证实团队间竞争对个体非常规行为的影响存在“双刃剑”效应,既可以激发个体创造力,也可以诱发亲团队不道德行为,绩效证明导向是上述关系的中介机制。研究2通过实验法再次证实团队间竞争影响个体非常规行为的“双刃剑”效应,并发现团队间竞争对两种非常规行为的影响会受到程序公平氛围的干扰。当程序公平氛围较高时,团队间竞争更多激发个体创造力;反之,团队间竞争更容易诱发个体亲团队不道德行为。 Intergroup competition is an effective tactic to stimulate team vitality,but it is not clear how intergroup competition influences individual’s unconventional behavior.Based on cognitive appraisal theory,this paper conducts two studies to explore the influence of intergroup competition on individual’s two opposite types of unconventional behaviors:creative behavior and pro-group unethical behavior.In study 1,the questionnaire method is used to confirm the“double-edged sword”effect of intergroup competition on individual’s unconventional behavior,which can not only stimulate individual creativity,but also induce individual pro-group unethical behavior.Performance proof orientation plays a mediating role in the above process.In study 2,the general experiment confirms the“double-edged sword”effect of intergroup competition on individual’s unconventional behavior once again,and finds the influence of intergroup competition on individual creativity and pro-group unethical behaviors is moderated by the level of procedural justice.At a high level of procedural justice,intergroup competition is more likely to stimulate individual’s creativity;at a low level of procedural justice,intergroup competition is more likely to stimulate individual’s pro-group unethical behavior.
作者 张永军 李亚 赵书松 刘智强 Zhang Yongjun;Li Ya;Zhao Shusong;Liu Zhiqiang(Business School,Henan University,Kaifeng 475004;School of Public Administration,Central South University,Changsha 410083;School of Management,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074)
出处 《管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期173-183,196,共12页 Management Review
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(7182004,71972183,71602050) 河南省高校科技创新人才(人文社科类)资助项目(2020-cx-28) 河南省高等学校哲学社会科学基础研究重大项目(2022-JCZD-04) 河南省软科学研究计划项目(222400410128)。
关键词 团队间竞争 创造力 亲团队不道德行为 绩效证明导向 程序公平氛围 intergroup competition creativity pro-group unethical behavior performance proof orientation procedural justice climate
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