

"Estate Myth"in Russian Postmodern Literature:Deconstruction or Construction?
摘要 本文将20世纪初设定为俄罗斯文化中“庄园神话”的形成时期,并对这一发端于普希金时期地主庄园理想化生活的“庄园神话”轮廓进行了描绘。“庄园神话”的运用在20世纪20-30年代被强行中断,直到90年代意识形态禁锢被解除之后才得以恢复。20世纪与21世纪之交时的俄罗斯文化再次转向庄园主题,这不仅是出于民族自我认同的需要,也在于俄罗斯庄园在神话诗学潜能方面具备挖掘可能性。此次转向发生在经历了后现代主义(1980-1990)和新后现代主义/元现代主义(2000-2010)阶段后的后现代性文化语境中。“庄园神话”在后现代主义阶段呈现为希什金、索罗金、佩列文、克鲁萨诺夫等作家作品中的解构,而在新后现代主义/元现代主义阶段则与之相对立地呈现为沃达拉兹金、斯拉波夫斯基等作家作品中的重建。恢复往昔魅力并获得存在主义真实性的“庄园神话”,在21世纪伊始为人类真正地提供了摆脱历史决定论桎梏的出口,使其走向永恒的存在普遍性和确定性。然而,当代读者通常具备的并不是庄园的现实经验,而只是“庄园传统范式”所生成的“庄园习性”——一种极具启发性的世界观和行为模式。 The article describes the time of registration of the"estate myth"in Russian culture-the beginning of the 2oth century-and outlines its content,dating back to the idealized life of estate of A.S.Pushkin time.From the 1920s-1930s the functioning of the"estate myth"was forcibly interrupted and resumed only in the 1990s,with the removal of ideological barriers.Turning to the subject of the estate at the turn of 20th to 21st centuries is explained not only by the need for national identity,but also the possibility of developing undisclosed mythopoetic potentials of the Russian estate.It takes place within the framework of the cultural situation of postmodernity,passing through the stages of postmodernism(1980s-1990s)and neo-modernism/metamodernism(2000s-2010s).If the first stage is characterized by the deconstruction of the"estate myth"in the works of M.P.Shishkin,V.G.Sorokin,V.O.Pelevin,P.V.Krusanov,etc.,the second-on the contrary,by its actualization and reconstruction in a number of attractive features in the works of E.G.Vodolazkin,A.I.Slapovsky,etc.It is the"estate myth",restored in its former charm and supplemented by existential authenticity and freedom,is seriously offered to man of the beginning of the 21st century as a way out of the clutches of the historical determinism to the timeless universality and authenticity of being.However,the modern reader,as a rule,does not deal with empirical estate realities,but with the"estate habitus"as a worldview-behavioral model formed by the"estate topos",which has a significant heuristic potential.
作者 王悦(译) O.A.Bogdanova;Wang Yue
出处 《俄罗斯文艺》 2023年第3期86-96,共11页 Russian Literature & Arts
基金 教育部语合中心《高端汉俄互译人才培养模式及实施策略研究》(22YH32B)中期研究成果。
关键词 俄罗斯庄园 “庄园神话” 现代主义 新神话主义 20-21世纪之交 后现代性 后现代主义 新现代主义/元现代主义 解构 Russian estate "estate myth" modernism neomiphology the turn of 20th-21st centuries postmodernity postmodernism neo-modernism/metamodernism deconstruction.
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