
中外研究生科研数据管理需求比较 被引量:1

Research Data Management Needs of Postgraduate Students in China and Abroad:A Comparative Study
摘要 研究生是实验室内直接负责科研数据管理的主体,了解其数据管理实践和需求能为图书馆创建数据服务提供新思路。文章采用文献调研法、比较分析法和内容分析法,从数据管理实践、数据素养现状、数据管理服务与教育期望3个维度比较国内外研究生数据管理需求调查结果,分析研究生数据管理实践和数据素养现状的特点及存在问题,基于问题级和方案级2个层次总结研究生的数据管理需求,为国内高校图书馆实施研究生数据管理服务与教育提供启示。 Postgraduate students are directly responsible for research data management in the labs.Thus,it is necessary to learn more about their practices and needs of research data management,so as to help the libraries to provide better research data services.By means of literature review,comparative analysis and content analysis,this paper conducts a comparative study on research data management needs of postgraduate students in China and abroad,focusing on the following three aspects,i.e.,their data management practice,their level of data literacy,and their expectations of data management services and data management education.It analyzes the characteristics and problems of postgraduate students’data management practice and data literacy,and then sums up their data management needs on both problem-level and program-level.In the end,it puts forward some suggestions for Chinese universities to provide data management services and data management education for postgraduate students.
作者 韩金凤 HAN Jinfeng
出处 《图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第8期151-160,共10页 Library Tribune
基金 广东省哲学社会科学规划2019年度一般项目“DaaS背景下嵌入式科学数据集成服务实证研究”(项目编号:GD19CTS03)研究成果。
关键词 研究生 科研数据管理需求 需求调研 中外比较 postgraduate student research data management need needs assessment comparative study
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