
广西野生维管植物名录 被引量:4

A checklist of wild vascular plants in Guangxi,China
摘要 为全面了解广西野生维管植物资源的现状并为开展相应的生物多样性保护实践提供基础资料,本文基于作者2023年即将出版的《广西植物物种编目及红色名录》一书数据,形成了最新的广西野生维管植物名录。结果显示:广西野生维管植物共计262科1,793属8,221种57亚种460变种1变型,其中,石松类和蕨类植物共有36科118属699种3亚种13变种1变型,裸子植物7科21属60种5变种,被子植物219科1,654属7,462种54亚种442变种。广西分布的喀斯特专性植物共计129科385属1,209种2亚种49变种,占广西野生维管植物物种总数的14.42%;喀斯特专性植物中,物种数排名前10位的科分别为苦苣苔科、天门冬科、兰科、茜草科、荨麻科、秋海棠科、爵床科、报春花科、樟科、大戟科;排名前10位的属分别为报春苣苔属(Primulina)、秋海棠属(Begonia)、蜘蛛抱蛋属(Aspidistra)、楼梯草属(Elatostema)、螺序草属(Spiradiclis)、耳蕨属(Polystichum)、石山苣苔属(Petrocodon)、珍珠菜属(Lysimachia)、马蓝属(Strobilanthes)、蛛毛苣苔属(Paraboea)。仅见于广西分布的维管植物特有属已知有4属:头序冷水花属(Metapilea)、异裂菊属(Heteroplexis)、异片苣苔属(Allostigma)和圆果苣苔属(Gyrogyne);特有种901种3亚种61变种,占广西野生维管植物物种总数的11.04%。广西共有349种维管植物被列入《国家重点保护野生植物名录》(2021),约占全国重点保护野生维管植物总数的33.46%。本名录的动态更新是对广西野生维管植物阶段性的汇总和归纳,但目前仍有253种存疑种类,这些种类为今后进一步完善广西野生维管植物的编目提供了明确的方向。在此,本文呼吁相关植物学者对广西野生维管植物多样性开展更为深入的调查与研究。 Aims:To comprehensively understand the current status of wild vascular plant resources in Guangxi and provide basic information for the corresponding biodiversity conservation practice,it is necessary to revise and update the checklist of vascular plants in Guangxi.Method:Based on the authors'forthcoming book"Catalogue and Red List of Plant Species in Guangxi",we updated the checklist of wild vascular plants in Guangxi.Results:The results showed 262 families,1,793 genera,8,221 species,57 subspecies,460 varieties,and 1 form of wild vascular plant in Guangxi.Among them there were 36 families,118 genera,699 species,3 subspecies,13 varieties,and 1 form of lycophytes and pteridophytes;and 7 families,21 genera,60 species,and 5 forms of gymnosperm;219 families,1,654 genera,7,462 species,54 subspecies,and 442 forms of angiosperms.In addition,129 families,385 genera,1,209 species,2 subspecies,and 49 varieties of karst obligate plants were counted in this paper,accounting for 14.42%of the total taxa in Guangxi.The top ten largest families of karst obligate plants are Gesneriaceae,Asparagaceae,Orchidaceae,Rubiaceae,Urticaceae,Begoniaceae,Acanthaceae,Primulaceae,Lauraceae,and Euphorbiaceae.In contrast,the top ten largest genera are Primulina,Begonia,Aspidistra,Elatostema,Spiradiclis,Polystichum,Petrocodon,Lysimachia,Strobilanthes,and Paraboea,respectively.4 genera(Metapilea,Heteroplexis,Allostigma,and Gyrogyne)and 901 species,3 subspecies,and 61 varieties of vascular plants are endemic to Guangxi,accounting for 11.04%of the total species in Guangxi.A total of 349 taxa of vascular plants in Guangxi are on the List of National Key Protected Wild Plants(2021).It accounted for 33.46%of the species of wild vascular plants under national key protected wild plants in China.Conclusions:The dynamic update of this checklist is the periodic summary and induction of wild vascular plants in Guangxi.There are still 253 suspected species to be confirmed.These species provide a clear direction for further improving the catalog of wild vascular plants in Guangxi.Therefore,this paper calls on related botanical researchers to conduct more in-depth investigations and research on wild vascular plant diversity in Guangxi.
作者 韦毅刚 温放 辛子兵 符龙飞 Yigang Wei;Fang Weenn;Zibing Xin;Longfei Fu(Guangxi Key Laboratory of Plant Conservation and Restoration Ecology in Karst Terrain,Guangxi Institute of Botany,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guilin,Guangxi 541006;Guilin Botanical Garden,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guilin,Guangxi 541006)
出处 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期24-30,共7页 Biodiversity Science
基金 中国科学院科技服务网络计划项目(KFJ-1W-No1,KFJ-3W-No1) 国家自然科学基金(32160082,31860042,31860047) 广西科技计划项目(桂科AD20159091,桂科ZY21195050) 广西自然科学基金(2020GXNSFBA297049,2022GXNSFAA035440) 广西科学院基本科研业务费(CQZ-C-1901)。
关键词 广西 维管植物 生物多样性 名录 新分类群 新记录 Guangxi vascular plant biodiversity checklist new taxon new record
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