
4 F MPA1导管经右肘静脉完成双侧肾上腺静脉同步采血术1例

Simultaneous bilateral adrenal vein sampling through right elbow vein via 4 F MPA1 catheter:a case report
摘要 探讨4 F MPA1导管经右肘静脉行双侧肾上腺静脉同步采血术(AVS)的安全性和可行性。选择1例右肾上腺中央静脉汇入副肝静脉的原发性醛固酮增多症患者,经右上肢贵要静脉、头静脉处分别置入2个6 F鞘管,选择2根4 F MPA1导管(1根塑形成猪尾状),分别插入左右肾上腺静脉,分3个时间段同步采集双侧肾上腺静脉及外周静脉血样,检测醛固酮、皮质醇激素水平。肾上腺静脉醛固酮/皮质醇:左侧13.2,右侧2.9,左侧优势指数9.9,左肾上腺为醛固酮优势分泌侧。4 F MPA1导管经右肘静脉行同步AVS具有技术可行、导管选择简单、创伤小、安全性高、不需卧床制动等优点。 To evaluate the saf ety and f easibility of 4 F MPA1 catheter f or simultaneous bilateral adrenal venous sampling(AVS)via the right elbow vein.A patient with primary aldosteronism whose central vein of the right adrenal gland drained into the accessory hepatic vein was selected.A venous access was established through the noble vein and cephalic vein of the right upper extremity,and two 4 F MPA1 catheters(one shaped into a pig tail)were selected to inserted into the lef t and right adrenal veins respectively.Blood samples f rom the adrenal vein and peripheral vein were collected at three time periods to detect the levels of aldosterone and cortisol.Aldosterone/cortisol of adrenal vein:lef t 13.2,right 2.9,lef t dominance index 9.9,The lef t adrenal gland was the dominant aldosterone-secreting side.This case conf irmed that two 4 F MPA1 catheters through the right elbow vein for Simultaneous bilateral AVS has the advantages of technical f easibility,simple catheter selection,less trauma,high saf ety,and no need f or bed immobilization.Relevant literature has been searched and no reports have been f ound.
作者 李庆安 余铭 李禄洪 关思虞 温俊伟 沈双玉 王清鹤 李元昊 褚佳丽 靳怡 吴俊霞 LI Qing-an;YU Ming;LI Lu-hong;GUAN Si-yu;WEN Jun-wei;SHEN Shuang-yu;WANG Qing-he;LI Yuan-hao;CHU Jia-li;JIN Yi;WU Jun-xia(General Medicine Department of Xiangyang Central Hospital,Affiliated Hospital of Hubei University of Arts and Science,Xiangyang 441021,China)
出处 《中国介入心脏病学杂志》 CSCD 2023年第6期474-477,共4页 Chinese Journal of Interventional Cardiology
关键词 4 F MPA1导管 肾上腺静脉采血术 原发性醛固酮增多症 4 F MPA1 catheter Adrenal venous sampling Primary aldosteronism
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