
施莱尔马赫的大学观及其对现代大学的影响 被引量:2

Schleiermacher’s University View and its Influence on Modern Universities
摘要 施莱尔马赫的大学观主要体现在他为创办柏林大学而撰写的《关于德意志大学的思考:附论将要建立的大学》一文中。在该文中,施莱尔马赫全面论述了自己心目中理想大学的形象:这种大学离不开国家的支持,但也要尽可能谋求独立于国家;大学教育的目的是通过科学教育唤醒青年理性之最高理念——认知;哲学院是大学中最高级的学院,学生和教师都应该植根于哲学院中;大学师生应享有充分的学术自由;学术讲座和专业研讨课是最适合大学的教学方法。在普鲁士大学改革的大背景下,施莱尔马赫积极参与柏林大学建校计划,并且作为洪堡设立的建校委员会委员,能够直接在政策制定与执行层面上将部分理论思想真正融入办学实践中,对柏林大学内部组织结构、学院架构、授课方式的塑造起到了决定性的影响,不仅保留了德国大学的传统形式,还为其注入了新的元素和活力,令柏林大学的模式与建校思想成为了现代新式大学发展和改革的重要原则与典范。 Schleiermacher's idea of university is mainly embodied in his essay ThoughtsonGerman-style Universities:OntheUniversitytobeEstablished written for the establishment of the University of Berlin.He discussed comprehensively the image of his ideal university:it cannot work without the support of state,while it should seek independence from the state as much as possible.The purpose of university is to rouse the cognition of young people,which is of the supreme importance in reason,with science education.The College of Philosophy is the most advanced one in university,in which both students and teachers should be rooted in.Teachers and students should be provided academic freedom properly.Academic lecture and seminar are the most appropriate methods for university.During the University Reform in Prussia,Schleiermacher actively participated in the founding of the University of Berlin and served as a member of the founding committee set up by Humboldt.By directly integrating certain theoretical ideas into the practice of the university at the level of formulation and implementation of educational politics,he played a decisive role in shaping the internal organizational structure,faculty architecture,and teaching methods at the University of Berlin.He not only preserved the traditional form of German universities but also injected new elements and vitality into it,making the model of the University of Berlin important principles and exemplars for the development and reform of modern universities.
作者 贺国庆 杨嘉晟 HE Guo-qing;YANG Jia-sheng
出处 《大学教育科学》 北大核心 2023年第4期83-90,共8页 University Education Science
基金 国家社会科学基金2020年教育学一般课题“现代大学思想的源流和影响”(BOA200046)。
关键词 施莱尔马赫 大学观 现代大学 影响 Schleiermacher view of university modern universities influence
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