

Marginal Reading and Modern Consciousness:On Xi Xi’s Commentary on the Hong Kong Perspective of the Mainland Fiction in the 1980s
摘要 因为西西的辞世,网上出现不少纪念的文章,这对于一个有着诸多方面才能而又一生勤于创造的作家及其读者来说,也许是一个莫大的安慰,而这些纪念文章中也返检出不少有关她的文学史料。如将西西分别于1987、1988年为台湾地区洪范书店编选的《八十年代中国内地小说选》选目及其序言,与她差不多同一时期在中国香港《博益月刊》的“海峡两岸”栏目所推介的中国内地小说对比,不难发现其中“西方”及其“现代”,成为其间共有的标准,而以此标准,却又可以见出这两处的选目在艺术形式上却有着极大的差别。从这个角度,虽说西西有着精英化的艺术感觉,能够坚持自己的判断不为时所累,但此时香港地区作为中西互动的中介,及其基于建构自我的需要形成的“香港视角”,却仍然是限定了她的评判:她一方面抵触“伤痕”的艺术表现,另一方面,却又乐意从“伤痕”的角度,理解中国内地作家及其文学。 After Xi Xi died,there have appeared quite a few articles in her memory online,which is a great comfort to her,a multi-talented writer working hard all her life,and to her readers.Of these articles,much historical literary material is found about her,too.When comparing the titles selected and included in,and the preface written for,A Selection of Mainland Chinese Stories in the 1980s,compiled and edited by her in 1987 and 1988,and that was published by Hong Fan Bookshop in Taiwan,with the mainland fiction that she recommended in the section of'Both Sides of the Strait'in Hong Kong-based Boyi Monthly,in about the same period,it is not hard to find that the West and modernity have become the common standard and,with that as the standard,one can see that there is a great difference between these two publications in terms of artistic forms.Although Xi Xi has elitist artistic sensibilities,able to insist that her judgement is not burdened with the times but,at the time,when Hong Kong was an intermediary of interaction between China and the West,and the perspective of Hong Kong formed of the need to construct its own self,it still somehow limited her judgement,in that,on one hand,she was resistant to the artistic expression of the scar kind,and,on the other,she was happy to interpret mainland writers and their literature from the angle of scar.
作者 赵牧 Zhao Mu
机构地区 广西大学文学院
出处 《华文文学》 2023年第3期82-90,共9页 Literatures in Chinese
基金 广西大学文学与文化研究中心项目“马来西亚华侨华人文学中的抗战叙事研究”,项目编号:XDWX202107。
关键词 西西 香港地区视角 现代意识 边缘阅读 Xi Xi Hong Kong angle modern consciousness marginal reading
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