
老年重症患者静脉血栓栓塞症预防中国专家共识(2023) 被引量:15

Expert consensus on the prevention of venous thromboembolism for elderly patients with critical illness in China(2023)
摘要 重症患者是静脉血栓栓塞症(VTE)的高危人群,患者年龄越大,VTE发生率越高。尽管VTE预后差,但VTE是可以预防的。目前,国内外虽然已有多个关于VTE预防的共识或指南,但尚缺少针对老年重症患者VTE预防的共识或指南。为了规范我国老年重症患者的VTE预防,由中国老年医学学会重症医学分会和浙江省重症医学临床医学研究中心牵头制定了《老年重症患者静脉血栓栓塞症预防中国专家共识(2023)》。本共识工作组成员查阅国内外相关指南、综合循证医学依据和临床经验,形成共识初稿,递交专家组各位专家多次讨论,历经多次修订,最后以电子问卷形式发给专家组,专家根据共识条目的理论依据、科学性、可行性等综合评分,确定各条目的推荐强度,最终形成21条推荐意见,为老年重症患者VTE预防提供了参考依据。 Patients with critical illness are at the high risk of venous thromboembolism(VTE),and the older the patient,the higher the incidence of VTE.Despite its poor prognosis,VTE is preventable.At present,although there are many consensus or guidelines on the prevention of VTE at home and abroad,there is still a lack of consensus or guidelines for the prevention of VTE in elderly patients with critical illness.In order to standardize the prevention of VTE in elderly patients with critical illness in China,Expert consensus on the prevention of venous thromboembolism for elderly patients with critical illness in China(2023)was developed by Critical Care Medicine Division of Chinese Geriatric Society and Zhejiang Provincial Clinical Research Center for Critical Care Medicine.Members of the working group consulted relevant domestic and foreign guidelines,integrated evidence-based medical evidence and clinical experience,formed the draft consensus,submitted it to the expert group for discussion for many times,revised it for many times,and finally sent it to the expert group in the form of electronic questionnaire,and the expert gave a comprehensive score according to the theoretical basis,scientific nature and feasibility of the consensus items.The recommendation strength of each item was determined,and 21 recommendations were finally formed to provide reference for the prevention of VTE in elderly patients with critical illness.
作者 中国老年医学学会重症医学分会 浙江省重症医学临床医学研究中心 严静 李莉 钱筱玲 周鑫飞 Critical Care Medicine Division of Chinese Geriatric Society;Zhejiang Provincial Clinical Research Center for Critical Care Medicine;Yan Jing(不详;Depurtment of Critical Care Medcine,Zhejiang Hospial,Hangzhou 310013,Zhejiang,China)
出处 《中华危重病急救医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期561-572,共12页 Chinese Critical Care Medicine
关键词 静脉血栓栓塞症 老年 重症 专家共识 Venous thromboembolism Geriatrics Critical care medicine Expert consensus
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