
小睡清醒时间及个性特征对注意绩效影响研究 被引量:1

Influence of waking time and personality characteristics on attentional performance after a nap
摘要 合理安排小睡是民航运输岗位人员常用的疲劳缓解措施,然而飞行员和管制员在值勤期间小睡后预留的清醒时间并无统一标准,其中个体差异性特别是个性特征对小睡后警觉状态的恢复影响尚不明确。为探讨小睡后睡眠惯性对注意绩效的影响,搭建试验平台,被试进行30 min小睡,采集其小睡前及清醒后2 min、12 min、22 min和32 min时主观疲劳度、心率值和注意稳定性特征,分析不同个性特征被试小睡后警觉度恢复的主客观数据差异性及变化趋势。结果表明,在立即清醒后,警觉度主客观数据均显著下降,警觉度自评在醒后12 min恢复到睡前水平,而注意绩效数据显示到22 min才能恢复。被试醒后32 min时其警觉度自我感受与绩效表现均优于小睡前水平。这些发现可为从事安全敏感类岗位人员值勤中的小睡时长及醒后返岗作业前预留清醒时间等内容细则的制定提供建议与参考。 To explore the influence of sleep inertia after a nap on attentional performance,an experimental platform was constructed for a nap.Seventy-two healthy adults(aged 19-25 y;29 females)participated in a 4-day laboratory study divided into a no-nap group(NO-NAP)and a 30-min nap group(30-NAP.Among them,subjects in the 30-NAP group had a 30-min sleep at 13:00 every day.And in four nap experiments,their subjective fatigue,heart rate,and behavioral response performance were collected separately pre-nap and at 2 min,12 min,22 min,and 32 min post-nap.The NO-NAP group was synchronously measured at each measurement time point to the 30-NAP group.By setting different wake-up intervals and analyzing the significance test of difference and change tendency of subjective and objective data of subjects with different personality characteristics in different waking times after naps.The study results show that the subjective and objective test data of alertness are significantly affected after waking up immediately after a 30-minute nap,and the subjective alertness returns to the level of pre-nap at 12 min post-nap,the objective attentional performance recovers to the level of pre-nap at 22 min post-nap,and the subjective and objective data are better than the level of pre-nap at 32 min post-nap.There is a mismatch between the subjective evaluation of alertness and objective performance,that is,subjects may overestimate their own arousal recovery level.Next,introverts are more likely to recover the level of selective attention,whereas extroverts are more likely to recover to a higher arousal level from their self-reports.These findings can provide advice and references for the regulations on the rest of radar controllers and controlled rest in the cockpit about the nap duration and the awake time reserved for personnel before work and the regulations about emphasizing actual objective performance rather than self-fatigue perception in safety training.
作者 李敬强 张璐 王庆福 周妍汝 张希凝 胡超 LI Jingqiang;ZHANG Lu;WANG Qingfu;ZHOU Yanru;ZHANG Xining;HU Chao(College of Safety Science and Engineering,Civil Aviation University of China,Tianjin 300300,China)
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期2388-2395,共8页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金与民航局联合基金项目(U1933122) 中央高校基础科研业务费自然科学类重点基金项目(3122019186)。
关键词 安全社会工程 小睡 绩效 唤醒 反应时 个性差异 safety social engineering nap performance arousal reaction time personality differences
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