

Screening of Ratooning Rice Varieties in Light Cadmium Contaminated Rice Fields
摘要 以8个水稻品种(Q两优丝苗、创两优33、甬优4949、深两优867、恒丰优778、韵两优332、C两优343、Y两优1577,分别以D1~D8表示)为材料,比较研究其在轻度镉污染稻田上的产量与镉含量差异,以期为轻度镉污染稻田的再生稻品种选择提供依据。结果表明:各品种间产量差异明显,头季产量表现为D3>D1>D5>D7>D8>D2>D6>D4,再生季产量表现为D7>D4>D8>D6>D1>D3>D2>D5,两季总产表现为D1>D3>D7>D8>D5>D2>D6>D4,其中D1和D3两季总产分别为17.59、17.57 t/hm^(2),显著高于其他品种;各品种头季与再生季糙米镉含量均在0.1 mg/kg以下,但品种间有显著差异;头季与再生季糙米镉含量差异因品种而异,D1、D2、D6、D7再生季糙米镉含量低于头季,而其他品种表现相反;头季与再生季镉积累特性差异明显,再生季的根与糙米镉富集系数小于头季,但其茎叶、穗镉富集系数大于头季;再生季茎叶、穗镉转移系数大于头季,而其糙米镉转移系数与头季相当。本试验条件下,考虑两季高产与糙米低镉两个因素,Q两优丝苗与甬优4949是较佳选择,如再考虑再生季糙米镉含量低于头季这一因素,最佳再生稻品种是Q两优丝苗。 Eight rice varieties(Q Liangyou Simiao,Chuangliangyou 33,Yongyou 4949,Shenliangyou 867,Hengfengyou 778,Yunliangyou 332,C Liangyou 343,Y Liangyou 1577,represented by D1~D8,respectively)were used to compare their difference of yield and cadmium content in light cadmium polluted rice fields,in order to provide a basis for the selection of ratooning rice varieties in light cadmium polluted rice fields.The results showed that there existed clear significant difference in yield among varieties,with the trend of D3>D1>D5>D7>D8>D2>D6>D4 in the main crop rice,the trend of D7>D4>D8>D6>D1>D3>D2>D5 in the ratooning rice season,and the trend of D1>D3>D7>D8>D5>D2>D6>D4 in the total rice yield of two seasons,in which D1 and D3 had the total yield of two seasons at 17.59 and 17.57 t/hm^(2),respectively,significantly higher than that of other varieties.The cadmium content of brown rice in both main crop and ratooning rice of all varieties was below 0.1 mg/kg,but there existed significant difference among varieties.The difference in cadmium content in brown rice between main crop and ratooning rice varied with varieties.The cadmium content of brown rice of D1,D2,D6 and D7 was lower in ratooning rice than that in main crop,while the cadmium content of brown rice of other varieties showed the opposite.There existed clear difference in cadmium accumulation characteristics between main crop and ratooning rice.The cadmium enrichment coefficients of roots and brown rice in ratooning rice were lower than those in main crop,while those of stems,leaves and panicles in ratooning rice were higher than those in main crop.The cadmium transfer coefficients of stems,leaves and panicles in ratooning rice were higher than those in main crop,while those of brown rice in ratooning rice were similar to those in main crop.Under the conditions of this experiment,considering the two factors of high yield and low cadmium content of brown rice in two seasons,Q Liangyou Simiao and Yongyou 4949 are the better choices.If considering the cadmium content of brown rice in ratooning rice is lower than that in main crop,Q Liangyou Simiao is the best ratooning rice variety.
作者 黄新杰 陈威 易镇邪 屠乃美 HUANG Xinjie;CHEN Wei;YI Zhenxie;TU Naimei(Hunan Biological Electromechanical Vocational and Technical College,Changsha,Hunan 410127,China;College of Agronomy,Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha,Hunan 410128,China)
出处 《杂交水稻》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期148-154,共7页 Hybrid Rice
基金 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目(2022JJ30303) 湖南省农业农村厅2021年农业科研计划(湘农办函[2020]234号)。
关键词 再生稻 镉污染稻田 产量 镉含量 品种筛选 ratooning rice cadmium contaminated rice fields yield cadmium content variety screening
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