

Construction and Application of Monitoring Platform for Saline-alkali Land in Cold Regions
摘要 盐碱地是国家重要的后备耕地资源,选育寒地耐盐碱水稻品种、开发利用盐碱地是促进粮食增产保障国家粮食安全的重要途径。按照国家“由治理盐碱地适应作物向选育耐盐碱植物适应盐碱地转变,挖掘盐碱地开发利用潜力,努力在关键核心技术和重要创新领域取得突破”的指示精神,国家耐盐碱水稻技术创新中心东北中心针对东北地区盐碱地存在的耐盐碱品种匮乏、耐盐碱栽培技术缺失、盐碱地改良技术体系不完善等系列问题,利用物联网、大数据等新一代信息技术开展协同攻关,构建了集盐碱地气象土壤环境动态监测、寒地水稻表型数据采集、数据可视化展示功能为一体的寒地盐碱地监测平台,实现了种质资源、生物技术、土壤肥料等多学科的信息化融合汇聚工作。本文从平台架构和功能实现角度介绍了寒地盐碱地改良利用的数字化监测方法和关键技术。平台在黑龙江省大庆、佳木斯、黑河等不同积温带进行了应用,结果表明,该平台可以辅助科研人员及时、全面掌握盐碱地块的气象及土壤信息、有效降低环境不利因素影响并形成完备的数据链;平台对不同物候期的水稻种质资源表型性状和产量品质数据进行汇聚加工处理,挖掘种质资源的环境应激反应规律,进而指导盐碱地水稻科研生产工作,为盐碱地资源开发利用提供信息技术支撑。 Saline-alkali land is an important reserve arable land resource in the country.Selecting and breeding salt-tolerant rice varieties in cold regions,and developing and utilizing saline-alkali land are important ways to promote food production and ensure national food security.In accordance with the national guiding spirit of"transforming from controlling saline-alkali land adaptation crops to selecting saline-alkali-tolerant plants to adapt to saline-alkali land,tapping the potential for saline-alkali land development and utilization,and striving to achieve breakthroughs in key core technologies and important innovation fields",a series of issues such as the imperfect technical system for saline-alkali land improvement have been addressed through collaborative research using new generation information technologies such as the Internet of Things and big data.A monitoring platform for saline-alkali land in cold regions has been built that integrates dynamic monitoring of the meteorological and soil environment of saline-alkali land,collection of phenotypic data of rice in cold regions,and visual display of data,achieving the integration of information technology in multiple disciplines such as germplasm resources,biotechnology,and soil fertilizers.This article introduces the digital monitoring methods and key technologies of data collection content for the improvement and utilization of saline-alkali land in cold regions from the perspective of platform architecture and functional implementation.The platform has been applied in different accumulated temperature zones such as Daqing,Jiamusi,and Heihe in Heilongjiang Province.The results show that the platform can assist scientific researchers to timely and comprehensively grasp the meteorological and soil information of saline-alkali plots,effectively reduce the impact of adverse environmental factors,and form a complete data chain;The platform aggregates and processes phenotypic traits,yield and quality data of rice germplasm resources at different phenological stages,excavates the environmental stress response rules of germplasm resources,and guides the scientific research and production of rice in saline-alkali lands,providing information technology support for the development and utilization of saline-alkali land resources.And realizing digital monitoring of saline-alkali-tolerant rice screening and soil improvement in cold regions.
作者 张海峰 张宇 来永才 郑妍妍 刘凯 毕洪文 ZHANG HaiFeng;ZHANG Yu;LAI YongCai;ZHENG YanYan;LIU Kai;BI HongWen(Institute of Agricultural Remote Sensing and Information,Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Harbin 150086,China;Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Harbin 150086,China)
出处 《农业大数据学报》 2023年第2期122-131,共10页 Journal of Agricultural Big Data
基金 黑龙江省省属科研院所科研业务费项目(CZKYF2021-2-A002)。
关键词 盐碱地 寒地水稻 物联网 监测平台 saline-alkali land rice in cold zone Internet of Things monitoring platform
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