

The Shift and Challenge of Art Reception in the Age of Integrated Media
摘要 平台融媒体化使艺术接受的方式呈现出新的态势,为艺术接受方式带来三个转向:一是由“在场性”向“在线性”转变,人们逐渐摆脱时空、经济等条件的限制,转而进行“云欣赏”“云体验”“云消费”;二是由“单向体验”向“沉浸体验”转变,艺术接受者接受艺术作品不再是单向理解,而是转向多模态的沉浸式互动体验;三是由“精英性”向“大众性”转变,艺术作品逐渐向大众普及,艺术接受方式的壁垒也逐渐被打破。平台融媒体化在为上述转向带来便捷的同时,其技术层面也存在内容难溯源、难识别,版权难确权等问题,并伴生出现低俗化、表面化、商业化等现象,使艺术创作、艺术接受、艺术消费面临一定的发展挑战。未来要充分认识融媒体对于艺术接受的双刃剑性质,努力发挥融媒体的积极作用,利用区块链技术构建融媒体互信机制,严把作品内容质量关,在充分发挥艺术接受大众化、便捷化等优势的同时,逐步提高审美质量和水平。 Because of the emergence of platform media integration,the way of art acceptance shows a new trend which includes three shifts of art acceptance in the era of media integration:1)from“presence”to“on-line”,consumers gradually get rid of the limitations of time,space,and economy.Without these limitations,they can“appreciate”,“experience”and“be as consumers”in the media cloud;2)from“single-channel experience”to“fully immersed multimodal omni-experience”provided by cloud consumption.Art works are no longer appreciated by a single channel,and their appreciation can be multi-modal immersive interactive experience;3)from“elitism”to“popularity”,such shift has made the recipients of art works popular among the general public.Thus the general public gradually become the audience and consumer of the art,and the barriers of the way of art acceptance have been breached.However,while the platform of media integration brings the convenience of art acceptance,because of its technological features,there are difficulties and disadvantages including the difficulty of trace the source of contents,of confirming the copyright and of reviewing the content,with superficial,vulgarized,over-commercialized contents.These are development challenges faced by art creation,art acceptance and art consumption.The non-tampering and traceability characteristics of blockchain technology can guarantee the authenticity and integrity of information,which can help protect the digital copyright of media and promote the construction of mutual trust mechanism of media.In the future,the integration of media and blockchain technology will further promote the innovation and development of art acceptance,and it is worth paying attention to the research direction of recognizing the double-edged sword nature of media for art acceptance,striving to exert a positive role in media,further optimizing the environment of art acceptance,preserving the advantages of mass and convenient art acceptance,and effectively improving the challenges of art acceptance.In conclusion,digital technology-driven platform media integration creates huge impact on the acceptance of art.In the era of media integration,we have to consider following important issues:first,in a proper and reasonable way,we make full use of the advantage of media integration;second,while considering to promote art acceptance among the public and deliver the art to the public in more convenient ways,we expect the art appreciation to be in our traditional state,“concentrate on the quiet observation”.In this era of media integration,focusing on solving the problems arising from the acceptance of art is of great significance for meeting people’s spiritual and cultural needs and aesthetic needs,improving people’s aesthetic and cultural cultivation,cultivating their sentiments,improving the soft power of the country’s culture,and further improving the development of the comprehensive national power.
作者 赵鹏 Zhao Peng(School of Art,Shandong University,Jinan 250100,P.R.China)
出处 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第4期37-46,共10页 Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“马克思主义文艺理论与中国当代文艺价值观建设研究”(17JJD720011) 山东省社会科学规划研究项目“曲阜三孔设计艺术挖掘、整理及其当代价值研究”(14DWYJ02) 山东省重点研发计划(软科学部分)“基于‘互联网+’背景中山东省乡村公共文化服务的困境与出路研究”(2016RKE27002)。
关键词 平台融媒体化 艺术接受 方式转向 区块链技术 审美质量 Platform media integration Art acceptance Mode shift Blockchain technology Aesthetic quality
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