

The Institutional Predicament in De-administration Reform of Community Organizations:A Case Study on B District of G City
摘要 针对各地推行社区去行政化改革难以持续的问题,以G市B区为个案对“社区去行政化”改革实践的制度困境进行考察和分析后发现:新型社区“政务名称”与“政务级别”之间的非一致性使社区遭遇“公章效力”困境,反映的是机构与权力规则的不吻合;“属地管理”机制与“去行政化”举措之间的非一致性使社区及其工作人员遭遇“权责错位”困境,反映的是不同制度功能的不吻合;“事业编制”与“行政编制”之间的非一致性使改革后的社区干部遭遇“身份下降”困境,反映的是编制待遇及流动规则的不吻合;“经费包干”与“费随事转”之间的非一致性使社区遭遇“捉襟见肘”困境,反映的是市区两级关于社区工作经费规则的不吻合;“撤销建制”与“加强党建”之间的非一致性使改革所在地遭遇“街道地位”困境,反映的是地方与中央政策对于街道定位的不吻合,并最终引致改革的终结。由此,得出进一步的结论是:“社区去行政化”改革实践过程遭遇的,是不断改革环境中现有制度体系的欠吻合或非一体化的困境,即改革的制度与整体制度之间的非一体化困境。 To cope with the difficulties in promoting community organization de-administration reform,this study investigates and analyzes the institutional predicament throughout the reform’s implementation by carrying out a case study on B district in G city.The case study shows that the new-style community organizations are confronted with“official stamp validity”issues resulting from the inconsistency between the“administrative name’and“administrative rank”,reflecting the mismatch between the organizations and the rules of power.In addition,due to the inconsistency between territorial management and the de-administration measures,the community organizations and their staff face with the predicament of“power-responsibility misalignment”,indicating the functional differences across multiple systems.The status discrepancy between the public institution staffing and administrative staffing lead to the downgrade of community staff in the pain of post-reform status,exposing the mismatch between the posts and the rules for position adjustment.Moreover,the contradiction between“contracted funds”and the“project-dependent fund-flow system”cause the community organizations to face financial challenges,showing the inconsistency in budget allocation to the communities between the municipal administration and the district-level administration.The contradiction between the revocation of the subdistrict staffing and the task of enhancing the Party’s construction at the subdistrict level lead to“unauthorized status”of the subdistrict organizations,reflecting the policy mismatch between the central government and local governments in clarifying the status of subdistrict organizations undergoing the reform,which could result in a setback of the reform.Further conclusions could thus be reached.What is encountered in the sub-district withdrawing and community expanding reform is in fact a dilemma which indicates the inconsistency and non-integration of the current systems,i.e.,those between the one being reformed and the status quo.
作者 李恒全 Li Hengquan(Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences,Guiyang 550002,P.R.China)
出处 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第4期89-98,共10页 Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金西部项目“易地扶贫搬迁集中安置社区社会治理共同体的培育机制研究”(21XSH006)。
关键词 社区去行政化改革 “撤街扩社” 制度困境 制度非一体化 De-administration reform of community organizations “Eliminate streets and expand communities” Institutional predicament Non-integration of institutions
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