
宇航用元器件低成本高可靠技术探索和应用 被引量:1

Exploration and Application of Low Cost and High Reliability Technology for Aerospace Components
摘要 基于测试可靠性的传统宇航元器件质量保证成本约占任务总成本的30%~40%且周期很长,难以满足快速组网星座和商业航天的发展需要,因而为了建立一种宇航用元器件低成本高可靠技术路线,提出了“面向任务和应用目标的宇航用元器件定量质量保证技术”路线。定量保证实现以下几个方面的突破:一是元器件可靠性要求从面向质量等级转变为面向任务和应用目标,实现元器件可靠性要求定量化;二是可靠性评价模式从测试可靠性模式转变为内建可靠性模式;三是提出定量评价低成本高可靠的方法。与传统质量保证相比,定量保证可将时间和成本降低至少2/3。定量保证在中国科学院空间科学卫星项目中进行了应用并得到了有效验证,具有一定的推广应用价值。 The cost of quality assurance of traditional aerospace components based on test reliability accounts for 30%~40%of the total mission cost and the cycle is very long,which is difficult to meet the development needs of rapid networking constellation and commercial aerospace.Therefore,in order to establish a low cost and high reliability technical route for aerospace components,the quantitative quality assurance technology for aerospace components oriented to mission and application objectives is proposed.Quantitative assurance has achieved breakthroughs in several aspects.First,component reliability requirements have changed from quality-oriented to task-oriented and application-oriented to achieve quantification of component reliability requirements.Second,the reliability evaluation model changes from test reliability model to built-in reliability model.Third,a quantitative evaluation method of low cost and high reliability is proposed.Compared with traditional quality assurance,quantitative assurance can reduce time and cost by at least 2/3.Quantitative assurance has been applied in the space science satellite project of Chinese Academy of Sciences,and its effectiveness has been verified,which has certain value of popularization and use.
作者 刘红民 崔帅 李京苑 雷云辉 朱恒静 李哲 赵丽 翁正 姜浩 LIU Hongmin;CUI Shuai;LI Jingyuan;LEI Yunhui;ZHU Hengjing;LI Zhe;ZHAO Li;WENG Zheng;JIANG Hao(National Space Science Center,CAS,Beijing 100190,China;National Quality Inspection and Testing Center for Satellite Payload,Beijing 101499,China;Innovation Academy for Microsatellite,CAS,Shanghai 201306,China;China Satellite Network Group Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100029,China;Second Research Academy of CASIC,Beijing 100854,China;China Aerospace Components Engineering Center,CAST,Beijing 100094,China;Shanghai Institute of Technical Physical,CAS,Shanghai 200083,China)
出处 《电子产品可靠性与环境试验》 2023年第3期10-17,共8页 Electronic Product Reliability and Environmental Testing
关键词 宇航用元器件 定量保证 面向任务和应用目标 内建可靠性 质量成本经济性 aerospace component quantitative assurance mission and application targets oriented building-in reliability quality-cost efficiency
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