Article 8 of The Opinion of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues over the Application of Laws in the Trials of Criminal Cases Involving Robbery or Forciable Seizure"determines the criminal charge against the perpetrator who takes the proproty impromptu after suppressing someone else's resistance,but there lacks further jurisprudential sources of such provision.In order to reach a conclusion that the above-mentioned act constitutes the crime of robbery,some views that reshape the structure of the crime as"being responsible for the shortage of victim's defensive capacity",or determine the nature of the act as a means and victim through the legal fiction,are not good enough to be adopted;the standpoint of attempting to reconcile the conflicts between established views and judicial interpretation in the field of the offence lasting for a certain time after the first act by the accused is also questionable.In the case where the prior act suppresses the victim's resistance,the subsequent robbery can only be recognized under the perspective of"omission"on basis of the conduct that the perpetrator does not release the victim from the state of eroded freedom.In this regard,the different legal consequences of the first and second paragraphs of this article are not based on the victim's perception of the act of taking the property,but on whether there is a possibility of result avoidance for the perpetrator to release the victim from the state of resistance suppressed at the time of taking the property and whether the perpetrator fulfills the obligation to act.
Political Science and Law
Suppression of Resistance
Prior Act