
重渡沟旅游专业村集聚演化机理研究 被引量:1

Agglomeration evolution mechanism of tourism specialized villages of Chongdugou
摘要 旅游专业村集聚是实现乡村旅游协同创新发展亟待拓展的内容,研究山区旅游专业村集聚演化机理,对促进山区村落空间重构,推动旅游再造山村之美、实现山区村落乡村振兴具有重要意义。综合运用实地调查、空间分析和回归分析等方法,对重渡沟区旅游专业村的集聚演化特征和过程进行分析,并对案例区旅游专业村集聚演化机理进行探讨,研究发现:①旅游项目的空间扩散是重渡沟旅游专业村形成与扩散的前提,旅游专业村形成、扩散与集聚是在旅游项目时空扩散基础上发展演化的。②重渡沟旅游专业村集聚特征明显,具有明显的沿河流集聚分布与沿交通线集聚分布的特点,1999年以来呈现出由单核集聚到双核集聚的变化特征。③重渡沟旅游专业村集聚演化是村内微观因素、村际中观因素和村外宏观因素综合作用的结果,其影响力大小和方向有着明显的差异性,其中旅游市场环境、村委会、政策支持、资源禀赋等对集聚演化速度有明显作用;交通条件、地理邻近、亲缘条件等对集聚演化强度有重要驱动作用。 The cluster of tourism specialized villages is the research content that needs to be expanded urgently to realize the coordinated innovation and development of rural tourism,studying the agglomeration and evolution mechanism of mountain tourism specialized villages(TSVs)is of great significance for promoting the spatial reconstruction of mountain villages,as well as promoting tourism to recreate the beauty of mountain villages and realize the revitalization of mountain villages.Using the methods of field investigation,spatial analysis and regression analysis,this paper analyzed the agglomeration and evolution characteristics and process of TSVs in Chongdugou Management Committee,and discusses the agglomeration evolution mechanism of TSVs in the case area.1)Specialized tourism households are the carrier of tourism project implementation.The spatial diffusion of tourism projects is the premise of the formation and diffusion of TSVs.The formation,diffusion and agglomeration of TSVs are developed on the basis of the spatial and temporal diffusion of tourism projects.2)Chongdugou TSVs have evident agglomeration characteristics,with obvious agglomeration distribution along rivers and along transportation lines.Since 1999,the TSVs have shown the change characteristics from single core agglomeration to dual core agglomeration.3)The agglomeration evolution of Chongdugou TSVs is the result of the combined effects of micro-factors within the village,meso factors among villages and macro factors outside the village.These factors have significant differences in the size and direction of the influence of agglomeration evolution.The tourism market environment,village committee,policy support and resource endowment have obvious effects on the agglomeration evolution speed.Transportation conditions,geographical proximity and kinship conditions have important driving effects on the intensity of agglomeration evolution.Some new findings are obtained from the analysis of the agglomeration evolution mechanism of Chongdu tourism specialized villages(TSVs).Firstly,the market environment provides a strong macro driving force for the formation and development of the agglomeration core of TSVs.Secondly,it avoids the limitation of focusing on agricultural and industrial specialized villages in the previous studies and makes a beneficial supplement to the previous research.Thirdly,the network analysis method is introduced to analyze the spatial diffusion process of specialized projects and specialized villages,which is an attempt to explore the research method of the spatial diffusion process of specialized villages to a certain extent.
作者 王伟 乔家君 刘凯霞 张二申 Wang Wei;Qiao Jiajun;Liu Kaixia;Zhang Ershen(School of Cultural and Tourism,Henan University,Kaifeng 475001,Henan,China;College of Geography and Environmental Science/Key Laboratory of Geospatial Technology for Middle and Lower Yellow River Regions,Kaifeng 475004,Henan,China)
出处 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1043-1052,共10页 Scientia Geographica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(42071220,41671172,42201226) 河南省哲学社会科学规划项目(2022CJJ135) 河南省软科学研究项目(232400411162)资助
关键词 旅游专业村 乡村地理学 乡村振兴 重渡沟 tourism specialized villages rural geography rural revitalization Chongdugou
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