

The Evolution Context and Sinicization Practice of Marxist State Theory
摘要 国家在现代政治经济活动中具有核心地位,但马克思本人并未提供一套完整的国家理论,只是揭示了国家产生的社会基础,指明了源于物质生活和生产关系演进的国家发展方向。基于历史唯物主义方法论,本文聚焦国家和社会关系这一条主线索,系统梳理了马克思主义者从“工具国家”到“主体国家”,再到“关系国家”的演进脉络。这一发展历程表明:国家是社会发展到一定阶段的产物,具体来说是社会分化成阶级之后的产物,阶级性因此成为国家的本质属性。但是,出于维护社会再生产和统治阶级长远利益的需要,国家获得了相对自主性,得以在一定程度上成为公共利益的代表,作为“工具”的国家和作为“主体”的国家从而实现了矛盾的统一。随着生产和社会关系的日益复杂,马克思主义者逐渐摒弃了将国家视为一种“物”和“实体”的做法,提出了关系视角的国家理论,强调基于多元主体的互动关系来理解国家,进一步打破了机械唯物主义国家观。中国的现代国家构建体现了马克思主义国家理论的基本原理,并基于中国实际丰富发展了马克思主义国家理论,其核心是创造条件,不断消除国家和社会的对立关系,实现两者的相互增强。 The state plays a central role in the modern political and economic activities,but Marx himself did not provide a complete set of state theories.He revealed the social basis of the state,and pointed out the direction of national development from the evolution of material life and production relations.This paper focused on the state and social relations which is a main thread,and systematically summarized the evolution contexts of Marxists'state theory from"Instrument State to Autonomy State",and then"Relation State"based on the historical materialism methodology.The results showed that the state was the outcome of society developing into a certain stage,specifically the result of social differentiating into classes,and thus class nature become the essential attribute of the state.However,in order to maintain the social reproduction and the long-term interests of the ruling class,the state gained relative autonomy so that it can become a representative of the public interest to a certain extent,then"Instrument State and Autonomy State"achieve the unity of contradictions.With the production and society relation becoming increasingly complex,Marxists gradually discarded the practice of regarding the state as a"thing"and a"entity",putting forward the state theory from the perspective of relations,which emphasized the way of understanding the state based on the interactive relations of multiple subjects to further break the concept of state of mechanical materialism.The construction of modern state in China embodied the basic principles of the Marxist state theory,and also enriched and develops the Marxist state theory on the base of China's reality.Its core principle was to constantly eliminate the opposition between the state and society by creating conditions,and then mutual enhancement of the both can be realized.
作者 姬超 Ji Chao
出处 《社会主义研究》 北大核心 2023年第3期47-54,共8页 Socialism Studies
基金 2023年度河南省高等学校哲学社会科学基础研究重大项目“国家成长视域下我国有为政府的作用机理和效能评价研究”(2023-JCZD-18)。
关键词 国家 马克思主义 阶级 相对自主性 国家能力 State Marxism Class Relative Autonomy State Capacity
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