华南由扬子和华夏地块组成,是构建东亚大陆的主要前寒武纪块体之一。扬子地块包含了华南所有已知的太古宙岩石单元,它们规模相对局限且零散分布于地块的不同部位,但碎屑和捕获/继承锆石指示了区域上太古宙地壳的广泛存在。现有的碎屑和捕获/继承锆石数据均指示扬子地块以约2.7 Ga和约2.5 Ga为主的太古宙地壳物质组成,对应全球大陆地壳快速生长与初始克拉通化的最重要阶段。然而,目前扬子地块仅有约2.7 Ga岩石的报道,约2.5 Ga岩石则相对缺乏,导致其基底地壳成分及克拉通化过程认识的不足。大别造山带是中生代扬子地块向北与华北板块俯冲、碰撞的产物,卷入并保留了大量扬子地块的前寒武纪基底,并以变质杂岩或地体的形式出露于大别山的不同部位。笔者等从大别山地区前寒武纪变质杂岩中识别出具不同岩性特征的约2.5 Ga花岗岩质岩石,报道了它们的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果。孝昌地区两个糜棱岩化黑云母花岗岩的测年结果分别为2479±17 Ma和2497±20 Ma,宿松杂岩地区两个花岗质片麻岩偏钾质,年龄分别为2491±15 Ma和2516±26 Ma。结合区域地质证据,认为大别山地区可能存在较为广泛的约2.5 Ga地壳。这提供了约2.5 Ga扬子基底地壳的直接证据,太古宙—元古宙(Ar—Pt)之交应是扬子地块原始克拉通形成与演化的重要时期。
Objectives:The~2.5 Ga granitic rocks reported in this article are newly discovered from the Xiaochang and Susong areas in the Dabie Mountains(Dabieshan),which provide a very rare but direct record of the continental crust at the turn of Archean—Proterozoic in the Yangtze Block basement.Petrological and zircon chronological studies of these granitic rocks were conducted to constrain the nature of~2.5 Ga crust in the Dabie orogen,which gains our new insights into the composition,architecture,and cratonization processes of the Neoarchean Yangtze Block.Methods:Based on the field investigation and microscope observation of the granitic samples,we conducted zircon CL imaging and LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating.Results:Zircons from the two mylonitic biotite-granite samples in the Xiaochang area are generally euhedral and long prismatic with clear oscillatory zoning,which is typical of magmatic zircon.Analyzed zircons from the two samples have Th/U ratios ranging from 0.21 to 0.55.The two samples yielded weighted mean zircon n(207Pb)/n(206Pb)ages of 2479±17 Ma(n=9,MSWD=0.45)and 2497±20 Ma(n=6,MSWD=1.11),respectively,representing their formation ages.Zircons from the two potassic granitic gneiss samples in the Susong Complex area are subhedral to euhedral with subrounded to long prismatic shapes.Most of the grains show oscillatory zoning but some blurred,chaotic internal structures under CL images.Th/U ratios of the dated zircons from both samples show a relatively large range between 0.09 and 0.81,indicating an igneous origin.The two samples were dated at 2491±15 Ma(n=9,MSWD=0.42)and 2516±26 Ma(n=4,MSWD=0.50),respectively.Conclusions:Newly identified~2.5 Ga granitic rocks from the Xiaochang and Susong areas suggest that crust of these ages should have been widespread in the Dabie Mountains.This indicates that some basement rocks of the Yangtze Block were extended beneath,and currently preserved in,the Qinling—Dabie orogenic belt,and Archean crust of the Yangtze Block was more widespread than previously recognized.The turn of Archean—Proterozoic could have been a critical period in the crustal generation and cratonization of the Yangze Block basement.
WANG Kai;ZHAO Tianyu(Institute of Geomechanics,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing,100081;Key Laboratory of Paleomagnetism and Tectonic Reconstruction,Ministry of Natural Resources,Beijing,100081;State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan,430074)
Geological Review