
美国量子人才战略举措、特征与挑战 被引量:1

Measures,Characteristics and Challenges of American Quantum Talent Strategic
摘要 美国政府高度重视量子科学技术人才的培养,在2018年实施《国家量子计划法案》后发布了一系列战略报告和技术报告推动该法案的落实。通过对美国相关报告深度解析,介绍《国家量子计划法案》启动背景和基本内容,呈现美国为发展量子信息科学技术所采取的有关人才方面的举措,分析相关举措的特征及其面临的可能挑战。《国家量子计划法案》主要包括四方面内容,量子人才战略包括5个子目标,目的是确保美国在量子信息科学及其运用中的领导力,为所有美国人创造新机会,其中教育系统所承担的使命是促进量子信息科学技术的发展和培养量子智能劳动力。系列报告显示,美国量子人才战略中的教育举措主要包括:通过招揽国际量子科技人才,提高相关研究领域的竞争力;在早期教育阶段提升学习者量子信息科学技术的教育意识,在高等教育阶段提供与量子信息科学技术相关的课程、学科和学位,培养掌握量子信息科学技术的研究者和量子智能劳动力。其特征为教育系统与政府、企业形成紧密的创新生态系统,坚持“科学优先”原则,注重推动量子工程学、量子机械学及材料学等多学科交叉融合,发挥科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM)等基础传统学科在量子工程中的基石作用。其挑战主要为相关人才对科技成果转化的时间焦虑、学术晋升与终身教职的冲突和“文化迁移”。 The US government attaches great importance to the cultivation of quantum science and technology talents.After the implementation of the National Quantum Plan Act in 2018,it has issued a series of strategy reports and technical reports to promote the implementation of the Act.Based on deep analysis of series of reports,this paper introduces the background and basic content of this Act,presents the specific measure of cultivating the quantum scientific and technological talents and analyzes the characteristics of measures and possible challenges.The act contains of 4 contents and 5 specific goals existing in quantum talents strategy,the goal is to ensure American leadership in quantum information science and its use,to create new opportunities for all Americans.Among them,the mission of the education system is to promote the development of quantum information science and technology and to cultivate the quantum intelligent labor force.Series reports show that the education measures in quantum scientific and technological talents adopted by US Administration mainly includes:improving the competitiveness of related research fields by attracting international quantum technology talents;in the early stage of education,the educational awareness of learners'quantum information science and technology should be promoted,and courses,disciplines and degrees related to quantum information science and technology should be provided in the higher education stage,cultivating researchers and quantum intelligent labor force mastering quantum information science and technology.It is characterized by the education system forming a close innovation ecosystem with the government and enterprises,adhering to the principle of"science first",paying attention to promoting the interdisciplinary integration of quantum engineering,quantum machinery and materials science,and giving play to the cornerstone role of the basic traditional disciplines of science,technology,engineering and mathematics(STEM)in quantum engineering.The challenges are mainly the time anxiety of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements,the conflict between academic promotion and tenure and"cultural migration".
作者 田芬 Tian Fen(Institute of Higher Education/Center for Teaching Excellence and Faculty Development,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an 710072,China)
出处 《科技管理研究》 北大核心 2023年第12期31-40,共10页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目“新工科背景下国防军工高校本研衔接课程治理研究”(2023JGZ27)。
关键词 量子信息科学技术 量子智能劳动力 量子人才战略 量子人才教育举措 科学和工程劳动力 美国《国家量子计划法案》 quantum information science and technology quantum intelligent workforce quantum talent strategy
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