

A Brief Discussion on the Connotation of"Country Man"for Shen Congwen
摘要 考察《从文自传》之中的“身份预设”,不难发现,“乡下人”,便是沈从文对自己所作的“身份预设”。沈从文笔下的“乡下人”内涵,并不是一成不变的。概言之,倘若说20世纪30年代《从文自传》之中的“乡下人”内涵主要是从创作层面出发,针对“城里人”而言的。那么,20世纪40年代沈从文笔下的“乡下人”内涵,则更多是为了凸显自身精神的独特性与思想的边缘性。实际上,这种凸显,恰是这一时期,沈从文对自身思想源头进行了清醒审视之后的直接结果。 Examining the"identity presupposition"in Congwen's Autobiography,it is not dfficult to find that"country man"is the"identity presupposition"that Shen Congwen made to himself.However,it should be noted that the connotation of"country man"for Shen Congwen is not unchanged.In a word,if the connotation of"country man"in the 1930s in Congwen's Autobiography is mainly from the creative level for the"city people".Then,in the 1940s,the connotation of"country man"for Shen Congwen was meant to highlight the uniqueness of his own spirit and the marginality of his own thought.In fact,this prominence is just the direct result of Shen Congwen's sober examination of his own ideological source during this period.
作者 王余鹃 WANG Yujuan(Humanities School,Central China Normal University,Wuhan Hubei 430079,China)
出处 《盐城工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第3期56-61,共6页 Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 沈从文 《从文自传》 身份预设 “乡下人” Shen Congwen Congwen's Autobiography identity presupposition "country man"
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