
不同轮作模式对谷子灌浆期生理特性、产量和品质的影响 被引量:1

Effects of different rotation patterns on physiological characteristics,yield and quality of foxtail millet during grain filling stage
摘要 为明确不同轮作模式对谷子灌浆期生理特性、产量和品质的影响,于2018—2020年设置谷子连作、玉米大豆谷子、玉米高粱谷子、玉米花生谷子、玉米甘薯谷子、玉米马铃薯谷子和玉米糯玉米谷子7个处理,研究不同处理谷子灌浆期生理特性,以及产量和小米品质的变化,并通过主成分分析法,对谷子产量和小米品质进行综合评价。结果表明,除玉米高粱谷子、玉米糯玉米谷子模式外,其他轮作处理谷子灌浆期叶绿素含量较连作显著增加2.17%~8.40%;灌浆期各轮作处理净光合速率较连作显著增加5.31%~24.40%,各轮作处理均可增加或显著增加谷子功能叶片中硝酸还原酶活性;各轮作处理在拔节期、抽穗期、开花期、灌浆期和成熟期叶面积指数大于或显著大于连作;各轮作处理灌浆起始势均早于连作;除玉米糯玉米谷子模式外,各轮作处理谷子产量显著高于连作或与连作差异不显著;玉米大豆谷子轮作模式氨基酸总量、粗蛋白质含量、胶稠度均显著高于连作。谷子产量和小米品质的主成分分析结果表明,玉米大豆谷子为最佳轮作模式,可有效改善连作障碍引起的产量下降和品质降低现象。 To clarify the effects of different crop rotation patterns on physiological characteristics,yield and quality of foxtail millet(Setaria italica)during grain-filling stage,7 treatments including continuous cropping of foxtail millet,corn-soybean-foxtail millet,corn-sorghum-foxtail millet,corn-peanut-foxtail millet,corn-sweet potato-foxtail millet,corn-potato-foxtail millet,and corn-glutinous corn-foxtail millet were set up from 2018 to 2020.Physiological characteristics,yield and quality changes of foxtail millet under different treatments were studied.The comprehensive evaluation of foxtail millet yield and quality was performed by principal component analysis.Results showed that except for corn-sorghum-foxtail millet and corn-glutinous corn-foxtail millet modes,chlorophyll content during grain filling stage of foxtail millet in other crop rotation treatments increased significantly by 2.17%to 8.40%compared with continuous cropping.The net photosynthetic rate of various crop rotation treatments during grain filling stage increased significantly by 5.31%to 24.40%compared with continuous cropping.Nitrate reductase activity in functional leaves of foxtail millet increased or significantly increased in all crop rotation treatments.Leaf area index of various crop rotation treatments in the jointing stage,tasseling stage,flowering stage,grain filling stage and maturity stage were greater than or significantly greater than continuous cropping.The grain filling initiation of various crop rotation treatments was earlier than continuous cropping.Except for corn-glutinous corn-foxtail millet pattern,foxtail millet yield in various crop rotation treatments was significantly higher than continuous cropping or not significantly different from continuous cropping.The corn-soybean-foxtail millet crop rotation pattern had significantly higher amino acid content,crude protein content and viscosity than continuous cropping.The principal component analysis of foxtail millet yield and quality showed that corn-soybean-foxtail millet was the best crop rotation pattern,which could effectively improve the phenomenon of yield decline and quality reduction caused by continuous cropping obstacles.
作者 李小霞 李丹 李万星 靳鲲鹏 刘永忠 韩文清 黄学芳 刘鑫 田岗 曹晋军 LI Xiaoxia;LI Dan;LI Wanxing;JIN Kunpeng;LIU Yongzhong;HAN Wenqing;HUANG Xuefang;LIU Xin;TIAN Gang;CAO Jinjun(Institute of Millet,Shanxi Agricultural University,Changzhi 046011,Shanxi,China;Shanxi Institute of Organic Dryland Farming,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taiyuan 030801,China)
出处 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期1499-1510,共12页 Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
基金 国家重点研发计划(2021YFD1901105-5) 山西省科技重大专项计划“揭榜挂帅”项目(202101140601026-5) 山西省重点研发计划重点项目(201703D211002-4-3) 山西农业大学学术恢复科研专项项目(2020xshf48)。
关键词 谷子 轮作模式 灌浆期 叶绿素 净光合速率 叶面积指数 Setaria italica rotation pattern grain filling stage chlorophyll net photosynthetic rate leaf area index
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