
《民法典》第1224条(医疗机构免责情形)评注 被引量:1

Commentary on Article 1224 of the Civil Code(Special Grounds for Medical Institutions to be Exempted From Liability)
摘要 《民法典》第1224条规定了医疗机构针对医疗侵权得以免责的三类特殊事由,以平衡医患双方利益。本条仅适用于医疗技术损害侵权,且在医疗机构对患方不配合行为存在过错时排除适用。医疗机构主张患方不配合而免责时,不仅诊疗行为要符合具有普适性与强制性的诊疗规范,还要尽到解释说明、提醒告知、维持亲和信任医患关系的义务。主张紧急情况免责时,医务人员得以缓和的诊疗义务包括注意义务与法定义务。主张医疗水平受限免责时,判断医疗水平应立足诊疗活动发生时,从医疗实践的普遍水平出发,结合医务人员学识能力、医疗设备水平等进行综合考虑。 Article 1224 of the Civil Code provides three special grounds for medical institutions to be exempted from liability for medical torts,in order to balance the interests of medical institutions and patients.This article applies only to medical technology torts and excludes the medical institution from liability when it is at fault for the non-cooperation of the patient.When claiming that the patient does not cooperate and exempt from liability,the treatment behavior of medical institutions should not only comply with the universal and mandatory treatment norms,medical institutions should also explain,remind,and maintain the affinity and trust of the doctor-patient relationship obligations.In the case of emergency exemptions,the medical staff's duty of care and statutory obligations are mitigated.When claiming that the medical level is limited,the medical level should be judged based on the time when the medical activity occurs,from the general level of medical practice,combined with the medical staff's knowledge and ability,the level of medical equipment,etc.for comprehensive consideration.
作者 武亦文 Wu Yiwen
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《中国应用法学》 2023年第4期197-210,共14页 China Journal of Applied Jurisprudence
基金 2022年度国家社科基金重大项目“我国民法评注编纂重大问题研究”(批准号:22&ZD205)的阶段性成果。
关键词 医疗侵权 免责事由 诊疗规范 合理诊疗义务 医疗水平 medical tort exemptions medical treatment regulations duty of reasonable treatment medical standards
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