

Research on the Policy Agenda for Supporting College Students' Social Entrepreneurship Based on the Multiple-Streams Theory
摘要 学界对于社会企业能够弥补政府公共服务不足的重要作用已经取得共识,政府针对社会企业的支持政策也在陆续出台。多源流理论能够很好解释本土情境下政府推动社会企业发展的政策变迁过程。社会企业支持政策之所以能在各地“开花结果”源自三重动力:政府公共服务供给不足、社会问题多发和现有政策支持不够构成“问题源流”;政府主导和推动、政策提案和学术成果支撑构成“政策源流”;共同富裕理念、公平正义诉求和舆论导向等形成“政治源流”。在各地政策实践中,社会面“稳就业”预期和国家“双创”战略深入推进等宏观形势加速了三条源流汇聚,社会企业发展开启“政策之窗”。以多源流理论分析了温州大学生公益创业政策议程,提出了政策演进路径,即要进一步疏解问题源流,不断鼓励大学生深化志愿服务,创立社会企业;优化政策源流,加强校政企多方联动,建设社会企业发展智库;利用政治源流,形成更大舆论声势,强化公益创业社会价值。 The academic community has reached a consensus on the important role of social enterprises in filling the gaps in government public services,and the government has been introducing supportive policies for social enterprises.The Multiple-Streams Theory can effectively explain the process of policy evolution in promoting the development of social enterprises in local contexts.The success of social enterprise support policies in various regions can be attributed to three driving forces:insufficient government provision of public services,the prevalence of social problems,and inadequate existing policy support,which form the“problem stream”;government leadership and promotion,policy proposals,and academic support,which form the“policy stream”;and the concept of shared prosperity,demands for fairness and justice,and public opinions,which form the“political stream”.In the policy practices in different regions,the convergence of these three flows has been accelerated by factors such as the social expectation of“stable employment”and the implementation of the national“double innovation”strategy,opening a“policy window”for the development of social enterprises.This paper analyzes the policy agenda for supporting college students'social entrepreneurship at Wenzhou University based on the Multiple-Stream Theory and proposes a path for policy evolution,which includes further addressing the problem stream,continuously encouraging university students to engage in volunteer services and establish social enterprises,optimizing the policy stream by strengthening the collaboration between the government,academia,and enterprises and establishing a think tank for the development of social enterprises,utilizing the political stream to generate greater public opinion momentum and strengthen the social value of public entrepreneurship.
作者 林爱菊 唐华 LIN Aiju;TANG Hua(Wenzhou University,Wenzhou 325035,China)
机构地区 温州大学
出处 《浙江工贸职业技术学院学报》 2023年第2期65-68,74,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang Industry & Trade Vocational College
基金 2021年度教育部人文社会科学研究专项任务项目“当代中国志愿服务的公益创业范式转化研究”(21JDSZ3148)。
关键词 多源流理论 公益创业 社会企业 议程设置 Multiple-Stream Theory social entrepreneurship social enterprises policy agenda setting
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