

"Four Common Characteristics"of Liver and Eyes and Research Ideas Inspired by"Liver Opens at Eyes"
摘要 “肝开窍于目”理论最早见于《黄帝内经》,是古人对肝和目联接关系的总结。“肝开窍于目”理论认为肝目具有“共损伤-共修复”特点,临床发现肝病目疾常常伴随出现,肝目同治是理想选择,实现肝目共治的关键在于解析其药效物质基础及作用机制。随着现代医学的发展,越来越多的证据表明肝目之间在生理、病理诸多方面存在十分复杂而密切的联系。在病理状态下,肝目“共损伤”,中药干预后肝目“共修复”,而肝目“共损伤-共修复”可通过“共物质基础-共作用机制”解释。基于此,课题组从中医理论内涵、临床实践与分子生物学等方面探索性提出肝目具有“共损伤-共修复-共物质基础-共作用机制”特征,即“四共特征”(4CCs),并以清肝明目中药夏枯草干预免疫性肝损伤(ILI)和过敏性结膜炎(AC)为例,浅析肝目“四共特征”的研究思路。该文期冀深入解析“肝开窍于目”理论的科学内涵,揭示肝目共性特征及生物学实质,探索建立一种“肝目同治”研究新范式,为多器官关联疾病共性问题研究提供可借鉴的研究思路。 The theory of"liver opens at the eyes"was first seen in Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon of Medicine,which is the ancient people's summary of the connection between the liver and the eyes.The theory of"liver opens at the eyes"suggests the characteristic of"co-damage and co-recover of liver and eyes".It has been found in clinical practice that liver diseases and eye diseases often occur together,and"liver and eyes co-recover"is an ideal choice.The key to achieving"liver and eyes co-recover"is to analyze its pharmacological material basis and mechanism.With the development of modern medicine,more and more evidence indicates that the liver and eyes have complex and close relationships in physiological and pathological aspects.In a pathological state,there is a phenomenon of"liver and eyes co-damage",and after the intervention of traditional Chinese medicine,"liver and eyes co-recover"occurs."Liver and eyes co-damage and co-recover"can be explained through the"co-material basis and co-action mechanism".On this basis,the research group tentatively proposed that the liver and eyes had"four common characteristics"(4CCs),namely"co-damage,co-recover,co-material basis,and co-action mechanism"from the theoretical connotation of traditional Chinese medicine,clinical practice,and molecular biology.Additionally,the group also took the intervention of Prunella vulgaris,traditional Chinese medicine,for removing liver fire and improving eyesight on immune liver injury(ILI)and allergic conjunctivitis(AC)as examples to analyze 4CCs.This project aims to deeply analyze the scientific connotation of the theory of"liver opens at the eyes",reveal the common characteristics and biological essence of liver and eyes,explore a new research paradigm of"liver and eyes co-recover",and provide a reference for the study of common problems of multi-organ associated diseases.
作者 熊苏慧 于佳慧 孙妙 夏伯候 张智敏 李亚梅 石哲 彭求贤 廖端芳 李春 庹勤慧 谢菁琛 林丽美 XIONG Suhui;YU Jiahui;SUN Miao;XIA Bohou;ZHANG Zhimin;LI Yamei;SHI Zhe;PENG Qiuxian;LIAO Duanfang;LI Chun;TUO Qinhui;XIE Jingchen;LIN Limei(School of Pharmacy,Hunan University of Chinese Medicine,Changsha 410208,China;Key Laboratory for Quality Evaluation of Bulk Herbs of Hunan Province,Changsha 410208,China;Institute of Chinese Materia Media,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China)
出处 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第17期185-194,共10页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81503041) “中医药现代化研究”国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC1701900) 湖南中医药大学中药学校级一流学科项目(校行发规字[2023]2号)。
关键词 肝开窍于目 肝目同治 肝目共损 肝目四共特征 免疫性肝损伤 过敏性结膜炎 夏枯草 liver opens at the eyes liver and eyes co-recover liver and eyes co-damage four common characteristics of liver and eyes immune liver injury allergic conjunctivitis Prunella vulgaris
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