

A Reexamination of the Issues Related to Sun Li’s Life and Work in Beiping
摘要 孙犁本人对在北平的生活、工作记录多有矛盾和不实之处,经考证,我们还原了他这一段的情况。孙犁1933年6月高中毕业,在家待业半年。1934年春,到北平闯荡,住宣武门内东太平街天仙庵公寓,想以写稿为生,但投出的稿件大多泥牛入海,入不敷出,生计都成了问题。期间,曾接父亲要他考邮局职员的信,因英语口语差,应考未中。父亲托关系让其到北平象鼻子中坑小学工作。年末,以到济南为借口辞职回乡。在家待业半年,1935年夏,又由父亲托人安排到北平市政府工务局第四科登记股任书记。11月,被辞退。半年后的1936年夏季,接到侯世珍等同学的邀请信,去安新县同口镇小学教书。 Sun Li’s own records of his life and work in Beiping are full of contradictions and inaccuracies,and after examination,we have restored this part of his life.Sun Li graduated from high school in June 1933 and stayed at home for half a year.In the spring of 1934,he went to Beiping,living in an apartment of Tianxianan on East Taiping Street in Xuanwumen,trying to make a living by writing,but most of the manuscripts he submitted were rejected,and his livelihood became a problem.During this period,he received a letter from his father asking him to take a post office job,but he failed in the test because of his poor spoken English.His father tried to find him an opportunity to work at the Xiangbizi Zhongkeng Primary School in Beiping.At the end of the year,he resigned the job on the excuse of going to Jinan and returned to his hometown.In the summer of 1935,he was arranged by his father to work as a clerk in the registration unit of the fourth section of the Bureau of Public Works of the Beiping Municipal Government.Six months later,in the summer of 1936,he received an invitation letter from Hou Shizhen and other classmates to teach at Tongkou Town Primary School in Anxin County.
作者 张占杰 ZHANG Zhan-jie(School of Literature and History,Shijiazhuang University,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050000,China)
出处 《河北民族师范学院学报》 2023年第3期48-52,共5页 Journal of Hebei Normal University For Nationalities
基金 教育部人文社科规划一般课题“孙犁佚文佚简辑录、考订与研究”(22YJA751026)阶段性成果。
关键词 孙犁 北平 生活与工作 辨正 Sun Li Beiping Life and work reexamination
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