

Exploration and Practice of Teaching Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Facilities Safety Class in the Context of Ideological and Political Construction
摘要 全面推进课程思政建设是落实立德树人根本任务的战略举措。其本质在于将思政教育融入到教育教学的方方面面,通过显性教育和隐形教育相结合,形成协同效应,实现育德和育才的同步提升,全面提高人才培养质量。文章以油气储运工程专业核心课程——油气储运设施强度设计与安全管理为例,论述专业课程的思政元素挖掘和思政教学改革。通过加强教材教案建设,转变教学和考核方式,实现“油气管道发展史”与专业知识的有机融合,帮助学生巩固课程知识,建立起专业荣誉感、专业归属感和时代使命感,激发学生科技报国信念,让学生不仅“学有所知”,更要“学有所用”“学有所成”,更快地具备国家需要的精益求精的大国工匠精神。 Comprehensively promoting the ideological and political construction of the curriculum is a strategic initiative to implement the fundamental task of cultivating people with moral character.Its essence lies in integrating ideological and political education into all aspects of education and teaching,forming a synergistic effect through the combination of explicit and invisible education,realizing the simultaneous enhancement of moral and talent cultivation,and comprehensively improving the quality of talent cultivation.Taking the core course of oil and gas storage and transportation engineering“strength design and safety management of oil and gas storage and transportation facilities”as an example,this paper discusses the excavation of thinking and political elements of professional courses and the reform of thinking and political teaching.By strengthening the construction of teaching materials,changing the teaching and assessment methods,realizing the organic integration of“the history of oil and gas pipeline development”and professional knowledge,helping students consolidate course knowledge,establishing a sense of professional honor,professional belonging and the sense of mission of the times,inspiring students’belief in science and technology to serve the country,so that students not only“learn what they know”,but also“learn what they want to know”.The students should not only learn what they know,but also“learn what they can use”and“learn what they can achieve”,so that they can have the spirit of national craftsmanship that the country needs more quickly.
作者 刘啸奔 王昊 张宏 LIU Xiao-ben;WANG Hao;ZHANG Hong(National Engineering Laboratory for Pipeline Safety,China University of Petroleum-Beijing,Beijing 102249,China)
出处 《化工管理》 2023年第24期46-50,共5页 Chemical Engineering Management
基金 2022年度北京市科协青年人才托举工程项目“青年人才托举工程”(BYESS2023261) 2021年度教育部产学研合作协同育人项目“油气储运工程专业力学与仿真课程改革”(202102116006) 2021年度中国石油大学(北京)教改项目“融合‘完整性管理技术发展历程’的油气储运设施强度类课程思政方法研究”(PX-10232981) 2020年度中国石油大学(北京)教改项目“《油气储运设施强度设计与安全管理》课程改革与实践”(PX-10232982)。
关键词 课程思政建设 油气储运设施安全 油气管道发展史 教学改革 ideological and political construction of curriculum safety of oil and gas storage and transportation facilities history of oil and gas pipeline development teaching reform
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