

The Path of Chinese National Community Consciousness Education in the Colleges and Universities From the Perspective of "Three Whole Education"
摘要 铸牢中华民族共同体意识是我国民族团结进步事业的工作主线,也是高校思政工作的重点内容。从目前的教育模式来看,高校意识形态教育主要依赖思政课堂。基于这一点,“大思政”课堂应运而生,课堂改革成效初显;从教育机制来看,共同体意识教育在社会各层面的贯通机制还在不断发展中;在教育平台方面,互联互通的教育场景仍有待融合。为进一步有形、有感、有效地做好这项意识形态工作,本文以“三全育人”格局为出发点,从三个维度发力:强化“大思政”课堂建设,构建“一盘棋”的教育机制,教育平台扩展共融,在全员、全过程、全方位育人过程中,全面贯彻中华民族共同体意识教育,形成正确的政治导向和价值导向,培养堪当民族复兴重任的有志青年。 Forging the sense of community for the Chinese Nation is the main line of ethic unity business,as well as the important content of ideological and political education in colleges.From the perspective of educational model,ideological education in colleges mainly relies on ideological and political course.Based on this situation,“enlarged ideological and political course”is born in the right moment,which means the revolutionary reform on this course shows initial results.From the perspective of educational structure,the integration of each department is continuously is in poor condition.From the perspective of educational platform,the connection and communication of various educational platforms are limited.In order to improve this work visibly and effectively with an echo,we give three proposals under the guidance of"Three-Whole Education"(Sanquan Yuren):further improving the development of"enlarged ideological and political course",striving to innovate a integrated educational structure involving all the departments related,and enhancing the connection and communication of various educational platforms on the education of forging the sense of community for the Chinese Nation.The ways above can be helpful to implement forging the sense of community for the Chinese Nation in an all-round way in the process of"Three-Whole Education"(Sanquan Yuren),and encourage students of all ethnic groups to establish a correct outlook about the politics and values,and help them to work together to realize national rejuvenation.
作者 杨涛 Yang Tao(South-Central University for Nationalities)
机构地区 中南民族大学
出处 《教书育人(高教论坛)》 2023年第6期43-46,共4页
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目:“人类命运共同体背景下偏远地区少数民族困难学生现状与帮扶对策研究”(CSQ18061)。
关键词 中华民族共同体意识 “大思政”课堂建设 教育机制 教育平台 Chinese National Community Consciousness “Enlarged ideological and political”classroom construction Educational mechanism Educational platform
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