

Research on the Impact of the Construction of a Free Trade Zone on the Development of Enterprises from the Perspective of Financial Competitiveness——Taking Zhoushan Free Trade Zone ZYJR Campany as an Example
摘要 浙江自贸试验区落地舟山,是我国首个以海洋经济为主题的国家战略性区域规划,对于加快实施“一带一路”和长江经济带发展战略具有重大战略意义。本文以舟山自贸区为例,通过分析ZYJR公司财务数据,从财务竞争力视角研究了自贸区建设对区内企业发展的影响,得出企业财务竞争力的变化主要由自贸区的政策变更以及市场的变化引起,企业应根据自贸区的政策合理制定发展计划以及开展业务,以此将自贸区的积极作用发挥到最大,并总结了财务竞争力视角下企业的发展路径:快速成长期、发展瓶颈期、转型升级期,分别归纳了三个发展时期的特征,最后提出不同时期提高自贸区企业财务竞争力的有效举措:如快速成长期应借助自贸区政策红利扩大业务范围;发展瓶颈期应注重创新驱动、构筑自贸区产融生态圈;转型升级期应细分行业、实施差异化发展等,以供参考。 Zhejiang pilot free trade zone in Zhoushan is China’s first national strategic regional plan with the theme of marine economy,which is of great strategic significance for accelerating the implementation of the“Belt and Road”Initiative and the Yangtze River Economic Belt’s development strategies.This paper takes Zhoushan pilot free trade zone as an example,by analyzing the financial data of Zhejiang Bank Financial Leasing Co.,Ltd.,studies the impact of the construction of free trade zone on the development of enterprises from the perspective of financial competitiveness,and concludes that the changes in financial competitiveness of enterprises are mainly caused by the changes in policies of free trade zone as well as changes in the market and that enterprises should reasonably formulate development plans and carry out the business according to the policies of free trade zone to maximize the positive effects of the free trade zone.This paper summarizes the development paths of enterprises from the perspective of financial competitiveness:rapid growth period,development bottleneck period,transformation and upgrading period.This paper summarizes the characteristics of the three development periods and finally puts forward effective measures to improve the financial competitiveness of enterprises in the free trade zone in different periods,such as expanding the business scope with the help of policy dividends of the free trade zone in the rapid growth period,focusing on innovation-driven development and building the industrial and financial ecosystem of the free trade zone in the bottleneck period,subdividing industries and implementing differentiated development in the transformation and upgrading period,for reference.
作者 邱蓁望 曹轶蓉 QIU Zhenwang;CAO Yirong(Zhejiang Gongshang University Hangzhou College of Commerce Hangzhou,Zhejiang 311500)
出处 《中国商论》 2023年第15期134-138,共5页 China Journal of Commerce
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(16JJD790055) 浙江省一流学科(A类)(浙江工商大学工商管理学科)资助重点项目(JYTgs20171103) 浙江省商务发展研究会研究课题(2021YJHKT01) 教育部人文社科重点研究基地浙江工商大学现代商贸研究中心重点项目(14SMXY18Z)。
关键词 舟山自贸区 自贸区建设 财务竞争力 企业转型 绿色租赁 Zhoushan free trade zone construction of free trade zone financial competitiveness enterprise transformation green leasing
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