

摘要 社区支持农业(Community Support Agriculture,CSA)是恢复与发展生态型农业的有效路径之一,我国CSA源于政产学研活动的社会推广,通过吸引具有文化共鸣的生产者与消费者加入其中,逐渐形成University+CSA(U+CSA)公益创业生态系统。与依靠消费者组织引领和推广的CSA创业模式不同,U+CSA公益创业生态系统在政府政策与资金支持下逐渐发展起来,其市场内生动力机制仍待完善,经创业系统要素资源环境分析发现,消费端认知不足、生产与经营技术匮乏及融资通路不畅等问题对U+CSA发展形成制约。在实际运行中应积极开展多方参与的CSA社会化推广、构建知识整合与增值基础平台、转化农业生态资源为生态资本,实现U+CSA公益创业生态系统全要素资源的协同发展。 The Community Support Agriculture(hereinafter referred to as CSA)is one of the effective ways to restore and develop ecotype agriculture.China's CSA originated from the social promotion of government,industry,university and research activities.By attracting producers and consumers with cultural resonance,the University+CSA social entrepreneurship ecosystem has been gradually formed.Different from the CSA entrepreneurial model led and promoted by consumer organizations,the U+CSA social entrepreneurship ecosystem has gradually developed with the support of government policies and funds,and its market endogenous dynamic mechanism still needs to be improved.Through the analysis of the entrepreneurial system's elements,resources and environment,it is found that the lack of consumer awareness,lack of production and operation technology,and poor financing access restrict the development of U+CSA.In actual operation,we should actively carry out the social promotion of CSA with multiple participation,build a basic platform for knowledge integration and value-added,transform agricultural ecological resources into ecological capital,and realize the coordinated development of all element resources of U+CSA social entrepreneurship ecosystem.
出处 《智慧农业导刊》 2023年第16期117-120,共4页 JOURNAL OF SMART AGRICULTURE
基金 广东省哲学社会科学十四五规划项目(GD21CYJ17)。
关键词 湾区 高校 社区支持农业 公益助农 创业生态系统 China's Bay area universities community support agriculture public welfare to help agriculture entrepreneurial ecosystem
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