

Discussion on the prevention and control of geological disasters in non coal mines and ecological restoration of mines
摘要 矿产资源开采实现人们生活质量提升,也推动区域经济实现快速发展,但是部分区域因开采者不合理的过度开采,带来非常严重的矿山地质灾害问题,加大开采区域和居民间的矛盾。基于这种情况,需要针对矿山地质环境问题进行分析,制定出符合当前需要的防治措施,也要充分确保矿山生态环境修复的进度,实现人与自然和谐相处。从具体层面分析,矿产资源开采管理人员对生态环境保护认识不足,过度开采,为了满足经济效益的提升,在开采设备及技术上等都非常落后,给地质环境带来严重的消极影响。诸如此类的问题在矿业发展里面不足为奇,而政府方面高度重视,出台了《矿山地质环境保护规定》等一系列法规法规,要求矿山开采企业需要编制矿山地质环境恢复方案,需要缴纳足够的修复基金,从而将矿山地质环境保护的重要性上升到国家层面。在政策加快落实中,部分开采企业对自然环境保护力度力低下的,受到严厉处罚,充分增强了矿山地质环境保护效果。但是,矿山地质灾害防治是非常复杂的过程,并没有规范性流程可以遵守,需要针对性进行分析,制定出科学合理的防治措施,才能产生较好的作用。本文通过对矿山地质灾害种类进行分析,并且对地质灾害产生的影响因素进行明确,提出矿山地质灾害防治与矿山生态修复措施,有效保障矿山开采环境稳定,以此实现矿山开采可持续发展。 The mining of mineral resources has improved people's quality of life and also promoted rapid development of the regional economy.However,in some areas,unreasonable overexploitation by miners has led to very serious geological disasters in mines,increasing conflicts between mining areas and residents.Based on this situation,it is necessary to analyze the geological environment problems in mines,develop prevention and control measures that meet current needs,and fully ensure the progress of ecological environment restoration in mines,in order to achieve harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.From a specific level of analysis,mineral resource mining management personnel have insufficient understanding of ecological environment protection,excessive mining,and in order to meet the improvement of economic benefits,mining equipment and technology are very backward,which has brought serious negative impacts on the geological environment.Such issues are not surprising in the development of mining industry,and the government attaches great importance to them by issuing a series of regulations such as the"Regulations on the Protection of Mining Geological Environment",which require mining enterprises to prepare mining geological environment restoration plans and pay sufficient restoration funds,thereby elevating the importance of mining geological environment protection to the national level.In the accelerated implementation of policies,some mining enterprises with low efforts in protecting the natural environment have been severely punished,fully enhancing the effectiveness of mining geological environment protection.However,the prevention and control of geological disasters in mines is a very complex process,and there is no standardized process to follow.It is necessary to conduct targeted analysis and develop scientific and reasonable prevention and control measures in order to have a good effect.This article analyzes the types of geological disasters in mines and clarifies the influencing factors of geological disasters.It proposes measures for preventing and controlling geological disasters in mines and for ecological restoration in mines,effectively ensuring the stability of the mining environment and achieving sustainable development of mining.
作者 冯杰辉 FENG Jie-hui(Ningxia Headquarters of China Construction Materials Geological Exploration Center,Yinchuan 750021,China)
出处 《世界有色金属》 2023年第9期229-231,共3页 World Nonferrous Metals
关键词 非煤矿山 生态修复 灾害防治 non coal mines Ecological restoration disaster prevention and control
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