
浙江省台州市胆囊癌5年相对生存率(2014-2018年):基于周期法分析 被引量:1

Five-year relative survival rate(2014-2018)for patients with gallbladder cancer in Taizhou,Zhejiang Province:A period analysis
摘要 目的本研究旨在提供浙江省台州市胆囊癌最新5年相对生存率总体及分层数据。方法选择浙江省台州市4个具有高质量数据的肿瘤登记处2004—2018年期间诊断为胆囊癌并随访至2018年12月31日的病例及其随访信息。采用周期法分析2014—2018年胆囊癌总体及按诊断年龄、性别、地区分层的5年相对生存率,并评估15年期间(2004—2018年)的5年相对生存率的变化趋势。结果2004—2018年期间台州市4个肿瘤登记处胆囊癌患者共计914例。2014—2018年5年相对生存率为29.1%,分层分析显示,男性患者5年相对生存率明显低于女性患者(24.3%vs 30.2%),并呈现明显的年龄梯度:5年相对生存率从35.7%(≤54岁组)逐步下降到25.8%(>74岁组);城镇患者5年相对生存率高于农村患者(30.4%vs 28.3%)。15年期间(2004—2018年)胆囊癌患者5年相对生存率的总体及分层(性别、诊断年龄和城乡)数据均呈明显上升趋势。结论本研究发现浙江省台州市胆囊癌患者5年相对生存率(2004—2018年)已达29.1%,并且最近15年期间的5年相对生存率呈现明显上升趋势,为制订胆囊癌预防和控制政策及干预措施提供了重要依据。 Objective To provide most up-to-date estimates on 5-year relative survival rate for patients with gallbladder cancer in Taizhou,Zhejiang province for overall and stratification.Methods Patients diagnosed with gallbladder cancer during 2004—2018 and followed up until Dec.31,2018 were selected from four cancer registries with high-quality data in Taizhou,Zhejiang Province.Period analysis was used to calculate 5-year relative survival rate during 2014—2018 for patients with gallbladder cancer for overall and the stratification by age at diagnosis,gender and region.Additionally,the assessment of the trend over a 15-year period(2004—2018)for 5-year relative survival rate was also done.Results A total of 914 patients were diagnosed with gallbladder cancer during 2004—2018 from the four cancer registries.The overall 5-year relative survival rate during 2014—2018 reached 29.1%,while men had lower 5-year relative survival rate compared with women(24.3%vs 30.2%).We also observed a significant age gradient on 5-year relative survival rate decreasing from 35.7%for age≤54 years to 25.8%for age>74 years.Patients in urban region had higher survival rate than those in rural region(30.4%vs 28.3%).Furthermore,the overall 5-year relative survival rate and the stratification by gender,age at diagnosis and region showed a significant upward trend from 2004 to 2018(all P<0.05).Conclusion We found that the 5-year relative survival rate(2014-2018)for gallbladder cancer patients in Taizhou,Zhejiang Province had reached 29.1%and also found a significant upward trend over the last 15 years(2004-2018)for 5-year relative survival rate,which provides timely and accurate data for the formulation of prevention and control policies and interventions for gallbladder cancer.
作者 赵小姣 邴馨 雷慧君 程永然 杨军 王良友 陈天辉 ZHAO Xiaojiao;BING Xin;LEI Huijun;CHENG Yongran;YANG Jun;WANG Liangyou;CHEN Tianhui(School of Public Health,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 311121,China;Department of Cancer Prevention,Zhejiang Cancer Hospital,Hangzhou 310022,China;Hangzhou Institute of Medicine(HIM),Chinese Academy of Sciences,Hangzhou 310018,China;School of Public Health,Hangzhou Medical College,Hangzhou 310013,China;Department of Non-communciable Chronic Diseases Control and Prevention,Taizhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Taizhou,Zhejiang 318000,China)
出处 《肝胆胰外科杂志》 CAS 2023年第8期469-474,共6页 Journal of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery
基金 浙江省万人计划科技创新领军人才项目(2021R52020) 省部共建重点项目(WKJ-ZJ-1714)。
关键词 胆囊癌 肿瘤登记 5年相对生存率 周期法 gallbladder cancer cancer registry 5-year relative survival rate period analysis
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