

Research progress of high heat⁃resistant organosilicon hybrid arylacetylene resins
摘要 有机硅杂化芳炔树脂是一类在芳炔树脂中引入硅元素、可固化形成高耐热的热固性有机无机杂化树脂,是一种易加工、高耐热、低介电、高热解残留率、高温可陶瓷化的高性能树脂。该文从树脂的加工性能、固化物性能、复合材料性能等方面介绍了有机硅杂化芳炔树脂的基本特性,综述了近20年来研制开发的典型有机硅杂化芳炔树脂的性能,并介绍了该类树脂在耐烧蚀材料、宽频高温透波材料、耐热结构材料等方面的应用。 Organosilicon hybrid arylacetylene resins are a kind of high heat⁃resistance thermosetting organic⁃inorganic hybrid resins,which is prepared by introducing silicon element into arylacetylene resins.They belong to a kind of high performane resin with easy processing,high heat⁃resistance,low dielectric constant,high pyrolysis residue,and high temperature ceramicization.In this pa⁃per,the basic properties of organosilicon hybrid arylacetylene resins were introduced in the aspects of processing properties of res⁃ins,properties of cured resins,properties of fiber⁃reinforced composites,etc.In addition,the properties of typical organosilicon hybrid arylacetylene resins developed in recent twenty years were reviewed.The applications of these resins in the fields of ablation⁃resistant materials,broadband high⁃temperature and wave⁃transmitting materials,heat⁃resistant structural materials were discussed.
作者 唐均坤 周燕 袁荞龙 黄发荣 TANG Junkun;ZHOU Yan;YUAN Qiaolong;HUANG Farong(Key Laboratory of Specially Functional Polymeric Materials and Related Technology(Ministry of Education),School of Materials Science and Engineering,East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai 200237,China)
出处 《固体火箭技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期629-636,共8页 Journal of Solid Rocket Technology
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(JKD01231701)。
关键词 芳炔树脂 有机硅杂化树脂 高耐热树脂 耐烧蚀复合材料 透波材料 arylacetylene resin organosilicon hybrid resin thermosetting resin with high heat⁃resistance ablative⁃resistant com⁃posite wave⁃transmitting material
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