

Beyond the Capital:the Logical Background of the New Form of Human Civilization
摘要 中国共产党历经百年革命、建设、改革征程而日臻完善、成熟的中国特色社会主义伟大实践与在其进程中形成、凝练、升华的习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,在给予和指导中国人民走出一条有别于西方的中国式现代化道路、为世界发展带来了“中国智慧”“中国方案”,同时创造了人类文明新形态。若从唯物史观“关系论”研究范式进行探究,中国因其实践与理论成就而创造的人类文明新形态的逻辑底色可界定为涵盖社会主义社会运动轨迹与发展规律的“社会主义逻辑”,其生态逻辑弥合了生态危机的裂痕、交往逻辑驱散了丛林法则的迷雾、分配逻辑指引了分配正义的现实途径及民主逻辑创造了人类民主新形态,一定程度地超越资本逻辑在当今人类文明的主导地位,开启人类文明的第三阶段。 The Communist Party of China has gone through the long journey that is more than a hundred years of revolution,construction and reform,which contributes to the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the formation and sublimation of Xi Jinping’s thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a New Era becoming increasingly mature and approaching perfection day by day.It has given and guided the Chinese people to embark on a unique Chinese path to modernization that is extremely different from the West,bringing“Chinese wisdom”and“Chinese plan”to the development of all over the world,meanwhile,creating a new form of human civilization.If we explore from the perspective of“relationship theory”of historical materialism,the logic background of the new form of human civilization created by China owing to its practical and theoretical achievements can be defined as“socialist logic”covering the trajectory of socialist social movement and the law of development.And its ecological logic has bridged the rift of ecological crisis,communication logic has dispelled the fog of the law of the jungle,distribution logic has guided the practical way of distributive justice and democratic logic has created a new form of human democracy,therefore,to a certain extent,it surpasses the dominant position of capital logic in today’s human civilization and opens up the third stage of human civilization.
作者 首兰兰 SHOU Lan-lan(School of Marxism,Guizhou Institute of Technology,Guiyang Guizhou 550000,China)
出处 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第8期40-44,共5页 Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)
基金 云南大学第十四届研究生创新项目(博士生一般项目):新时代十年中国共产党驾驭资本经验逻辑研究 贵州理工学院校级思政课题:贵州红色文化资源融入高校思想政治理论课教学研究(XJSZ202105) 贵州理工学院校级教改课题:劳动教育融入贵州理工类高校思政课教学研究。
关键词 社会主义逻辑 第三阶段 唯物史观 资本逻辑 人类文明新形态 socialist logic the third stage historical materialism capital logic new form of human civilization
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