
品牌格式塔视角下中国出境游客海岛目的地情感挖掘及组态路径 被引量:3

Emotion Mining and Configuration Paths of Chinese Outbound Tourists'Island Destinations from the Perspective of Brand Gestalt
摘要 作为世界重要出境游客源国,少有研究对中国出境游客的海岛目的地情感特征及其形成路径开展深入探讨。文章基于品牌格式塔模型,以巴厘岛、冲绳等8个境外海岛18.97万条中国游客在线评论为样本,利用关键词分析、情感挖掘和模糊集定性比较分析等方法,分析游客情感的影响因素与组态路径。研究发现:(1)在品牌格式塔故事、利益相关者、环境和体验4个维度中,所有单要素均不能构成游客情感的充要条件,必须通过条件组合发挥作用;(2)总体情感异质性分析表明,涉及3个不同维度要素的综合作用对游客情感的影响更加显著;(3)海岛间游客情感前因条件组态存在共性和差异,8个海岛形成的31条组态可划分为4大类组合路径,产品及服务质量、物理环境发挥核心支撑作用。 Tourism destination brands carry the attribute elements of a destination that convey the information provided by marketing and stimulate people's strong emotions.Most of the existing studies focus on the single perspective of brand.The gestalt characteristics of a brand and the complex causal link between the configuration characteristics or synergies of brand elements and tourist emotions have seldom been examined.Even fewer comparative studies have been conducted on the emotional characteristics and forming paths of the most popular island destinations for Chinese outbound tourists,despite the fact that China is the world's largest source of outbound tourists.Thus,based on the brand gestalt model,this study analyzes the affective configuration factors of tourists by using term frequency-inverse document frequency(TF-IDF)keyword analysis,emotion mining and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis(fsQCA)method,taking 189708 online reviews of Chinese tourists from eight overseas islands such as Bali and Okinawa as samples.The results are as follows:(1)The overall emotional heterogeneity analysis shows that the five configurations composed of four dimensions of story,stakeholder,environment and experience have a significant impact on tourist emotion.The necessity test results confirm that,among the four dimensions of brand gestalt,none of them can constitute sufficient and necessary conditions for tourist emotion.Only through the combination of conditions can they play their roles.(2)The four combination paths concluded by the adequacy analysis are all the combined results of three logical elements of different dimensions.This indicates that the interplay of all three dimension elements has a more significant impact on tourist emotions,further proving that the influence of destination brand on tourist emotion lies in its gestalt characteristics.(3)There are similarities and differences in the configuration of tourists'emotional antecedent conditions among islands.The 31 configurations of tourists'emotional antecedent conditions formed by eight islands can be divided into four categories of combination paths,namely,the story-stakeholders-environment path represented by Bali,Jeju and Sabah;the stakeholdersenvironment-experience path represented by Langkawi and Koh Samui;the stakeholders-environment path represented by Okinawa and Phuket;the story-stakeholders-experience path represented by the Maldives.In these paths,products,service quality,and physical environment have played a core supporting role.However,with the development of island tourism and the upgrading of tourists'consumption demands,destination's attractive stories that can provoke an emotional response in tourists,local residents'attitudes,cultural atmosphere and tourism experience have become indispensable factors affecting tourist emotions.The research conclusion has practical guiding significance for the restart of China's outbound tourism industry,the building of gestalt brand ecology in island tourism destinations,and the meeting of the upgrading demand of Chinese outbound tourists.
作者 王娟 丁宣文 WANG Juan;DING Xuanwen(College of Management,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China;Institute of Marine Development,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China;College of Tourism and Service,Nankai University,Tianjin 300350,China)
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第8期110-121,共12页 Tourism Tribune
基金 中国海洋大学管理学院前沿研究支持计划“基于机器学习的海岛旅游者情感挖掘与决策偏好动态识别”(MCQYYB2301) 山东省自然科学基金项目“基于机器学习的出境游客目的地情感挖掘与决策偏好动态识别”(ZR2023MG065)共同资助~~。
关键词 品牌格式塔 游客情感 海岛目的地 中国出境游客 模糊集定性比较分析 brand gestalt tourist emotions island destinations Chinese outbound tourists fsQCA
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