
区域创新创业活跃度测度与应用 被引量:1

Research on the Measurement and Application of the Index of Activeness of Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship
摘要 本文界定了区域创新创业活跃度概念,构建了涵盖环境氛围、主体活力、活动成效三个维度的区域创新创业活跃度的测度指标体系,并采用组合赋权法进行赋权,基于第四次经济普查的数据,实现了对我国31个省(区、市)的创新创业活跃程度的跨区域、多维度的综合评价与分析。结果表明:(1)与全国创新创业活跃度的平均水平相比,我国创新创业活力仍整体偏低,创新活跃度水平整体高于创业活跃度。(2)从四大经济区域来看,创新创业活跃度总体呈“东部地区高,中部地区、西部地区和东北地区低”的分布态势,区域内部也呈现出明显的梯度特征。(3)从三大经济圈来看,珠三角经济圈创新创业活跃水平最高,长三角次之,环渤海经济圈内部发展不均衡现象较为显著。(4)按聚集程度分组来看,区域间创新创业发展各具特色,优势地区发展均衡、高度活跃,其他地区政策引导和资金支持短板仍需补齐。 This study defines the concept of the activeness of regional innovation and entrepreneurship and develops an evaluation index system for the activeness of regional innovation and entrepreneurship covering three dimensions—environmental atmosphere,subject vitality,and final effect,and adopts the combined assignment method to assign weights.Based on the data of the fourth economic census of China,this study achieves a cross-regional,multi-dimensional comprehensive evaluation and analysis of the activeness of innovation and entrepreneurship of 31 provinces(autonomous regions and municipalities) in China.The results show that:First,compared with the national average level,China's activeness of regional innovation and entrepreneurship is still low,and the overall active level of innovation is higher than that of entrepreneurial activity.Second,from the perspective of the four major economic regions,the overall activeness of innovation and entrepreneurship is high in the east,but low in the central,west and northeast of China,and there is an obvious gradient within the region.Third,from the perspective of the three major economic circles,the Pearl River Delta Economic Circle has the highest activeness of innovation and entrepreneurship,followed by the Yangtze River Delta Economic Circle,but the uneven development within the Bohai Rim Economic Circle is more pronounced.Fourth,grouped by the degree of agglomeration,the innovation and entrepreneurship development in each region has its own characteristics,the advantageous regions' development is balanced and highly active,whereas the policy guidance and financial support in other regions still need to be supplemented.Combining the above research results,this paper provides relevant policy recommendations for the promotion of activeness of regional innovation and entrepreneurship in China.
作者 “区域创新创业活跃度比较研究”课题组 李慧云 刘倩颖 孙怡璇 Research Team on the Comparative Study of the Activeness of Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship(Beijing Institute of Technology)
出处 《调研世界》 2023年第8期27-40,共14页 The World of Survey and Research
基金 国务院第四次全国经济普查资料开发应用课题“区域创新创业活跃度比较研究”(JJPCZB34)的资助。
关键词 创新创业活跃度 指数构建 组合赋权法 第四次经济普查 Activeness of Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Index Construction Combined Assignment Method The Fourth Economic Census
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