

摘要 庞德的旋涡主义诗学形成于其诗学生涯早期,该诗学理论对其后来的诗歌创作和翻译均产生了深远影响。庞德的《诗经》翻译成作于晚期,风格独特,学界褒贬不一。译诗呈现的旋涡主义诗学特点是其独特风格形成的主要原因。译诗简洁明快,在意象上,表意文字法创造丰富意象、化静为动,意象叠加形成旋涡,传递源语诗意;在诗句上,运用短语并置、句式转化等重构诗行,进行动态几何设计,形成情感旋涡,使中国古诗保持鲜活;在思想上,重视诗教之用,倾向宣儒救世。庞德《诗经》译本是其旋涡主义诗学的晚年作品,“旋涡”成就其独特的译诗表达,但也造成某些偏离,对其褒贬不一的争论本身也促进了中西文化交流与互鉴。 Ezra Pound's vorticist poetics formed in the early stage of his poetic career,and this poetic theory had a profound impact on his later poetry creation and translation.Completed in his later life,Pound's translation of Shih-Ching received mixed reviews in academic circles for its unique style,which was characterized by Vorticism.The translated poems are concise and lively.In terms of imagery,the ideographic method creates rich images,and images are superimposed to form a vortex,which turns the static into the dynamic and conveys the poetic meaning of the source language.In terms of verses,the juxtaposition of phrases and the transformation of sentence patterns are used to reconstruct lines,and the dynamic geometric design is employed to form an emotional vortex to maintain the freshness of Chinese ancient poetry.In terms of thought,the translation inclines to morality and Confucianism.It's Vorticism that helped Pound achieve his unique style of Shih-Ching,but it also caused some deviations from the source text.The debate over his translation of Shih-Ching has promoted the exchange and mutual understanding of Chinese and Western cultures.
出处 《复旦外国语言文学论丛》 2023年第1期96-102,共7页 Fudan Forum on Foreign Languages and Literature
基金 2022年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“埃兹拉·庞德翻译诗学研究”(22YJA752017)的阶段性成果。
关键词 庞德 《诗经》译本 旋涡主义诗学 意象 儒家思想 Ezra Pound translation of Shih-Ching Vorticism imagery Confucianism
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