2023年4月18日,博世动力总成中国携多款创新的气候中立技术解决方案亮相2023上海国际车展,并首次展出190 kW氢动力模块和甲醇、氢内燃机等代用燃料方案;4月19日,在题为“打造移动出行新时代,为商用车注入新动能”的博世动力总成中国媒体见面会上。
At the 2023 Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition,Bosch Powertrain China launched a number of innovative technical solutions for commercial vehicles and even the automotive industry,including the 190 kW hydrogen power module exhibited for the first time,coaxial oil cooled motors and multi in one control units for light electric commercial vehicles,alternative fuel solutions such as methanol/hydrogen internal combustion engines,diesel powertrain and exhaust aftertreatment technology solutions.At the media conference,it also systematically introduced the diversified powertrain solutions of Bosch.
Commercial Vehicle