

The New Literature of Media Displacement and Reconstruction:Exploration of the Beginningand End of the Publication of Shouting
摘要 讨论鲁迅的第一本小说创作集《呐喊》未实现的出版可能及其实际的出版过程,阐释《呐喊》出版故事背后新文学人对自为的生产方式的探索。新文化运动借助上海书业的媒介迅速风靡,而其成果被迅速收编,成为晚清以来中国印刷资本业知识生产中的品类之一。《新青年》同人分散后,周氏兄弟从新文化运动的多重主题中清理线头,继续文学革命。为了避免文学成为均质的现代知识商品,他们选择搁置与既有书业的合作,与新潮社共同探索另起的文学生产之路。《呐喊》及其所属的新潮社文艺丛书的出版,既延续着周氏兄弟晚清时期对文学媒介形式的设计,又在新潮社青年奔走于北京印厂书摊之时,开启了新文化运动中产生的小型知识共同体的转型。而新潮社以北京为市场,借助新文化运动的文化资本形成了在地的生产循环。后五四时代的开初,经周氏兄弟晚清经验与新潮社学生五四经验的合流,新文学人在上海书业以外,以北京为中心,开始造成媒介的位移:新的文学产品、新的出版机构及新的文学市场在北京出现,提供新文学专属的媒介形式和生产环流。而发生不久的新文学亦经此得以再造:避开为印刷资本业迅速收编的风险,将知识共同体的组织与生产及物的联结于媒介。新文学人暂时找到了自己的文学生产方式,亦找到了此后不断革命的基础。 This article discusses the possibility of the unrealized publication of Lu Xun’s first novel collection“Shout”and its actual publishing process,and explains the exploration of the production mode of self action by new writers behind the publication story of“Shout”.With the help of the media of Shanghai’s book industry,the New Culture Movement quickly became popular,and its achievements were quickly incorporated,becoming one of the categories in the knowledge production of China’s printing capital industry since the late Qing Dynasty.After the dispersion of New Youth,the Zhou brothers cleared the thread from the multiple themes of the New Culture Movement and continued the literary revolution.In order to avoid literature becoming a homogeneous modern knowledge commodity,they chose to shelve their cooperation with the existing book industry and explore a new path of literary production together with the New Trend Society.The publication of“Scream”and its literary and artistic series of Xinchao Society not only continued the design of the Zhou brothers for the form of literary media in the late Qing Dynasty,but also started the transformation of the small knowledge community generated in the New Culture Movement when the young people of Xinchao Society ran to the bookstall of Beijing Printing Factory.With Beijing as the market,Xinchao Community has formed a local production cycle with the help of Cultural capital of the New Culture Movement.At the beginning of the post May Fourth era,through the confluence of the late Qing experience of the Zhou brothers and the May Fourth experience of students from the New Trend Society,new writers began to shift the media beyond Shanghai’s book industry,centered around Beijing.New literary products,publishing institutions,and markets emerged in Beijing,providing exclusive media forms and production circulation for new literature.And the newly emerged new literature has also been recreated through this:avoiding the risk of rapid integration into the printing capital industry,connecting the organization of the knowledge community with production and materials through the media.New writers have temporarily found their own way of literary production and also found the foundation for continuous revolution thereafter.
作者 何旻 He Wen
出处 《河南社会科学》 北大核心 2023年第7期71-78,共8页 Henan Social Sciences
基金 北京市社会科学基金青年项目“后五四时期北京新文学出版文化研究(1920—1936)”(21WXC007)。
关键词 《呐喊》 鲁迅 周氏兄弟 新潮社 新文学出版 Shout Lu Xun the Zhou Brothers Xinchao Society New Literature Publishing
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