
牡蛎性-效-用本草考证 被引量:2

Herbal authentication focused on the properties,effect and usage of oyster shell
摘要 文章旨在促进牡蛎多功效圈层管理应用和方药共荣发展。通过对牡蛎品名释义、性味归经、炮制、功效及使用禁忌进行本草考证和梳理发现,牡蛎品名是根据其形态描述而来。性味归经归纳为:质坚重,味厚,咸,涩,微寒,无毒,沉降,入血分,归肝、胆、肾经。炮制方法主要有熬和煅两种方法,无论从炮制后利于脾胃、专于收敛固涩功效发挥、质地酥脆便于入药和制剂,还是保留牡蛎性效,以“熬”及其类似炮制方法最为妥当。牡蛎功效发展顺序较为明晰,依次为收敛固涩、软坚散结化痰、清热滋阴、平肝潜阳和重镇安神,符合先医后药、医药共荣、性效统一的客观发展规律。牡蛎不宜用于虚寒患者及长期使用,但牡蛎临床使用禁忌具有相对性,可通过炮制及配伍控制性效发挥方向。 The article is aimed to promote the application based on circle-layer management strategy of oyster shell multifunction and the interactive and co-prosperous development between formulas and herbs.The herbalogical research and literature review of oyster shell was operated based on its name explanation,natures,flavors,channel tropism,processing,effects and medicinal contraindication.It was discovered that the name of oyster shell was accorded to actual morphology description.In addition,the flavors and natures of oyster shell are thick,salty,puckery,slightly cold and non-toxicity with heavy weight nature and sinking tendency character.Simultaneously,it treats blood-aspect diseases and distributes to liver,gallbladder and kidney channel.There mainly exists two processing metheds of oyster shell,including roast and calcining.It is worth noting that roast method and this similar processing method may be more suitable based on the considerations from benefiting for spleen and stomach,developing the astringing and controlling function,profiting the drug dispensing or preparation or reserving the natures and effect of oyster shell.Moreover,the evolutionary tree of oyster shell efficacy development is distinct and the order were successively astringing and controlling,dissipating mass and resolving phlegm,clearing heat and nourishing yin,soothing liver and subduing yang and tranquillization with heavy prescription,which is in line with the law of objective development with medicine practice taken precedence over medicinal knowledge,interactive and co-prosperous development between medicine and medicinal,as well as natures and effects unification.At last,oyster shell is not recommended for patients with deficiency cold syndrome or long-term use.Interestingly,the medicinal contraindication of oyster shell has its relativity and the executed direction of natures and effect could be controlled by processing and compatibility.
作者 吴明权 周许 彭伟 朱力阳 涂禾 刘李梅 张忠 吴孟华 叶俏波 WU Mingquan;ZHOU Xu;PENG Wei;ZHU Liyang;TU He;LIU Limei;ZHANG Zhong;WU Menghua;YE Qiaobo(Sichuan Provincial Orthopedic Hospital,Chengdu 610041,China;Research Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine of Lingnan(Southern China)/College of Pharmacy,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,China;School of Basic Medicine,Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Chengdu 610075,China)
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期3123-3128,共6页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 实验方剂学四川省青年科技创新研究团队(No.2020JDTD0022) 全国老中医药专家学术经验继承项目(No.[2017]29号) 全国中药特色技术传承人才培训项目(No.[2019]43号,No.[2023]96号) 四川省中医药管理局科学技术研究专项(No.2021MS558)。
关键词 牡蛎 性味 归经 炮制 功效 本草考证 Oyster shell Natures and flavors Channel tropism Processing Efficacy Herbal authentication
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