
2021年河南省低出生体重发生影响因素分析 被引量:3

Influencing factors of incidence of low birth weight in Henan,2021
摘要 目的:了解2021年河南省低出生体重发生情况,筛选其影响因素。方法:选择河南妇幼健康管理平台中出生日期为2021年1月1日至2021年12月31日的妊娠满28周的225984名活产新生儿及其母亲的信息。比较不同特征新生儿和不同特征母亲低出生体重发生率,采用Logistic回归分析筛选低出生体重的影响因素。结果:2021年河南省低出生体重发生率为4.40%。Logistic回归分析结果显示,母亲孕前BMI≥24.0 kg/m^(2)、受教育程度为初中及以上,新生儿出生季节为冬季是低出生体重发生的保护因素,OR(95%CI)分别为0.853(0.801~0.909)、0.604(0.517~0.705)和0.906(0.841~0.975)。新生儿为女婴、双胎及以上、早产,母亲孕前BMI<18.5 kg/m^(2)、剖宫产、年龄<25岁或≥35岁、初产、产前检查次数<5次、妊娠风险分级为橙色或红色是低出生体重发生的危险因素,OR(95%CI)分别为1.457(1.385~1.533)、6.233(5.757~6.748)、46.460(44.096~48.950),1.446(1.325~1.577)、1.462(1.380~1.548)、1.086(1.008~1.170)或1.178(1.080~1.286)、1.598(1.505~1.695)、1.230(1.168~1.296)、1.218(1.116~1.328)或2.461(1.846~3.281)。结论:低出生体重的发生与多种母亲因素有关;应加强对重点孕妇的健康宣教和指导,有针对性地开展低出生体重防治工作。 Aim:To study the incidence and effective factors of low birth weight(LBW)in Henan in 2021.Methods:Data of 225984 newborns and their mothers were collected from Henan Maternal and Child Health Management Platform from January 1 to December 31,2021.The incidence of LBW among newborns or mothers with different characteristics were compared,and the influencing factors were screened by Logistic regression analysis.Results:The incidence of LBW was 4.40%in Henan,2021.The results of Logistic regression analysis showed that maternal pregnancy BMI≥24.0 kg/m^(2),the mother′s education level of junior high school and above,born in winter were protective factors for LBW,OR(95%CI)were 0.853(0.801-0.909),0.604(0.517-0.705)and 0.906(0.841-0.975),respectively.Female infant,multiple pregnancy,preterm delivery,maternal pregnancy BMI<18.5 kg/m^(2),cesarean delivery,maternal age<25 or≥35 years,primiparity,the number of prenatal examination<5,risk of pregnancy orange or red were risk factors for LBW,OR(95%CI)were 1.457(1.385-1.533),6.233(5.757-6.748),46.460(44.096-48.950),1.446(1.325-1.577),1.462(1.380-1.548),1.086(1.008-1.170)or 1.178(1.080-1.286),1.598(1.505-1.695),1.230(1.168-1.296),1.218(1.116-1.328)or 2.461(1.846-3.281..Conclusion:The incidence of LBW is associated with many maternal characteristics.It is necessary to further enhance health education and guidance for key pregnant women and carry out prevention and treatment purposefully.
作者 惠晓庆 师灿南 张红艳 徐锋 张猛 夏俊芬 曹原 贺君剑 胡孟彩 HUI Xiaoqing;SHI Cannan;ZHANG Hongyan;XU Feng;ZHANG Meng;XIA Junfen;CAO Yuan;HE Junjian;HU Mengcai(Department of Healthcare,the Third Affiliated Hospital,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450052)
出处 《郑州大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第4期559-564,共6页 Journal of Zhengzhou University(Medical Sciences)
关键词 新生儿 低出生体重 影响因素 河南省 newborn low birth weight influencing factor Henan Province
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