为了准确分析同步电动机实心式磁极起动过程这一非常复杂的机电瞬变过程的特性,以一台2200 kW、4极实心式磁极同步电动机为例,叙述了同步电动机实心式磁极结构的设计特点,阐述了其设计关键所在。在分析电动机起动过程中,采用双反应理论直轴、交轴等效电路法,对实心式磁极同步电动机的阻抗值进行计算;同时,给出了实心式磁极同步电动机的起动转矩、牵入转矩、起动电流的计算方法,并用A nsof t中的Maxwell2D模块对电动机进行了有限元计算,再将其导入二维瞬态场,进行瞬态仿真;最后,通过对比该电动机实验数据运行工况,验证了此次设计思路和分析方法的正确性。
In order to accurately analyze the characteristics in the very complex electromechanical transient process during starting a solid pole synchronous motor,a 2200 kW 4-pole solid pole synchronous motor is taken as an example to describe the design characteristics of the solid pole str uct ure of a synchronous motor as well as the key to design.The dual-response direct-axis and quadrature-axis theoretical equivalent circuit method is applied to calculate the impedance of the solid pole synchronous motor during the analysis of the motor starting process.Meanwhile,the calculated method of the starting torque,pull-in torque and starting current of the solid pole synchronous motor is put forward while the finite element calculation on the motor is performed by means of the Maxwell 2D module of the Ansoft,and then,the result is input into the 2D transient field to conduct the transient simulation.Finally,correctness of the design idea and analysis method is verified by comparing with the experimental data of the motor under operation.
LI Zhigang;YE Juan(East China Jiaotong University,330096;Shanghai TECO Electric&Machinery Co.,Ltd.,200051)
Electrical Machinery Technology