本文以平均照度和照度均匀度为评价指标,从灯具的配光曲线、安装位置和瞄准角三个方面进行分析,并借助DIALux照明软件建模并模拟其光环境。首先比较平均照度和照度均匀度选择合适灯具的配光曲线,其次调整灯具安装位置和瞄准角进行多次仿真,得到灯具安装位置、瞄准角与平均照度、照度均匀度的关系图,最后确定羽毛球场照明方案,平均照度为792 lx,照度均匀度U_1和U_2分别为0.885和0.922,满足羽毛球“业余比赛”模式场地照明标准要求。
In this paper,the average illuminance and illumination uniformity are used as evaluation indicators,and the light distribution curve,installation position and aiming angle of the lamps are analyzed from three aspects,and the lighting environment is modeled and simulated with the help of DIALux lighting software.First,compare the average illuminance and illumination uniformity to select the light distribution curve of the appropriate lamps,and then adjust the installation position and aiming angle of the lamps to conduct multiple simulations to obtain the relationship between the installation position,the aiming angle,the average illuminance,and the illumination uniformity,and finally determine the badminton court lighting.In the scheme,the average illuminance is 792 lx,and the illumination uniformity U 1 and U 2 are 0.885 and 0.922,respectively,which meet the lighting standard requirements of badminton“amateur match”mode.
ZHENG Qiqiang(Fujian Huasha Energy Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Fuzhou 350003,China)
China Illuminating Engineering Journal